Lou @Lifewithloux

Beggy is back

Apr 30, 2023
Hey Lou’s secret spy. Can you please feed this back to Lou.

‘’Lou - you are a vile, fat, drug addict, liar who thinks the world owes you. You are wrong. You thought drugs were more important than your kids. You still use them for your personal gain by pretend crying on social media that you miss them, while really you are hoping someone will reach out to try and support so you can scam them for money or Drugs. You waste any money you get on drugs, takeaways and trying to buy friendships with other dropkicks on social media sending make believe medals and badges.
You are filthy, a laughing stock and are a total waste - even Carol has given up on you. Cant wait for the day that the kittens are taken off you or they escape out of an open window when the weather gets warmer. You will try and blame everyone else but it will be your fault.
I want to say take some responsibility you fing waste of space but know you will not - even your kids are not important enough for you to make that happen.”

Thanks secret Spy.
Apr 17, 2023
Now, I have a theory (I don’t sleep that well so think a lot)….

When ste was around she was so often off her face on live etc…
Ste goes inside and she does improve a bit….

She suddenly gets changed on to this new meds where she can’t take other drugs…

Ste is due out on Wednesday……

My conclusion is that in order to keep her relatively clean they have changed her meds to prevent her using all the drugs when ste comes out.

It might be nothing but a coincidence but to me the timings work out

Also her going on the injection meds mean that she can’t even miss days at the chemist so she can use the drugs!!!!
Jun 21, 2023
Now, I have a theory (I don’t sleep that well so think a lot)….

When ste was around she was so often off her face on live etc…
Ste goes inside and she does improve a bit….

She suddenly gets changed on to this new meds where she can’t take other drugs…

Ste is due out on Wednesday……

My conclusion is that in order to keep her relatively clean they have changed her meds to prevent her using all the drugs when ste comes out.

It might be nothing but a coincidence but to me the timings work out

Also her going on the injection meds mean that she can’t even miss days at the chemist so she can use the drugs!!!!
Does this mean that Ste can party solo on whatever is on the bungalow floor that she hasn't smoked, snorted or swallowed?
Aug 29, 2023
I was just watching Lous - honestly she infuriates me. She was watching some of Holly's Recovery videos. That's someone she could learn alot from. Holly relapsed after being clean and has admitted to it and that's why she gets alot of support. She tells the truth. Lou doesn't know how to tell the truth. Everything she says is a lie. She says she's still under coercive control from.her ex because he wont let her see the children. Says there's a court order giving her access that he's gone against. All clearly lies. If there was a court order Lou wouldn't have gone this long without seeing her kids unless she's just done nothing about it. If she had half a brain cell she would see the support these recovery accounts get that tell the truth - the good and the bad and think to herself if I do the same maybe I would get support. But she would rather tell lie after lie because she thinks she's clever enough to pull the wool over people's eyes. She does that because she thinks people won't gift or donate to her paypal if she admits she's used etc. Only she's fooling absolutely nobody. Everyone can see she's far from clean, she doesn't see her kids because of her own actions nobody else's and is just a dishonest scummy person.
This non molestation order she keeps going on about has nothing to do with it because that was before she lost the kids and James got custody so no idea why she keeps bringing it up. Nothings ever Lous fault according to her and I don't think she will ever take responsibility for her actions.
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Apr 20, 2023
I was just watching Lous - honestly she infuriates me. She was watching some of Holly's Recovery videos. That's someone she could learn alot from. Holly relapsed after being clean and has admitted to it and that's why she gets alot of support. She tells the truth. Lou doesn't know how to tell the truth. Everything she says is a lie. She says she's still under coercive control from.her ex because he wont let her see the children. Says there's a court order giving her access that he's gone against. All clearly lies. If there was a court order Lou wouldn't have gone this long without seeing her kids unless she's just done nothing about it. If she had half a brain cell she would see the support these recovery accounts get that tell the truth - the good and the bad and think to herself if I do the same maybe I would get support. But she would rather tell lie after lie because she thinks she's clever enough to pull the wool over people's eyes. She does that because she thinks people won't gift or donate to her paypal if she admits she's used etc. Only she's fooling absolutely nobody. Everyone can see she's far from clean, she doesn't see her kids because of her own actions nobody else's and is just a dishonest scummy person.
This non molestation order she keeps going on about has nothing to do with it because that was before she lost the kids and James got custody so no idea why she keeps bringing it up. Nothings ever Lous fault according to her and I don't think she will ever take responsibility for her actions.
She was saying that the court made a mistake, and she was supposed to have access. In fact both her stories are lies, she won't see them until they're adults, assuming they even want to and she's alive. She'll never admit this as it cuts off a begging stream.
Aug 29, 2023
Lous live tonight- lying in bed moaning about how she wants to clean her house while watching cleaning videos on Tiktok but not actually moving from the bed.
You just couldnt make it up. I have no clue how a 30 year old woman can be so lazy.
Her house is disgusting cos she's let it get that way and is too lazy to even attempt a couple of tasks a day to try and make a start of cleaning it up.
Is she hoping someone is going to offer to come and do it for her? I think she thinks if she talks about how she's going to do this and clean that then it will actually happen by magic. No Lou it's only going to get done if you get off your lazy arse and clean up your own mess otherwise you will just have to continue living in filth. Those poor cats...they have no choice but to live in the situation you brought then into. Thank god she's not allowed her children round.