Hey it’s been a while! I’ve switched off from watching Lou lately but I saw her on live whinging about being apart from her kids and slagging off her ex for keeping them form her. This is for the new watchers who haven’t followed Lou forever like us OG’s I know your out there
This has gotta be the 3rd Christmas she’s been apart from them. I know your probs thinking if she hates this time of year so much and what she’s missing out on, surely that would give her the kick up the arse to do something about it. She keeps claiming she’s fighting for her kids. All gifts are for her solicitor fund yet she keeps buying weed, fags, takeaways and cats she can’t afford. BUT the real reason is, she’s not allowed to see them!!! They were taken out of her care as she was unfit. She temporarily signed them over to her mother whilst she was on H, Then she had the opportunity to have contact with them her ex just stated she couldn’t have A’s dad in the picture cos he was on H too. She had A adopted and kept speaking to her older 2 about it which their dad didn’t like. I can understand why! How confusing seeing your mam pregnant and then her not having the baby anymore!. She continued being in a relationship with A’s dad so she lost her chance. She won’t see them now until they’re 18 IF they choose to have a relationship with her then! Whatever story she had spun previously is lies! So if you hear her crying out for gifts on TT it’s not going in her imaginary solicitors pot. It’s going in back pocket for s.
In other news, she slipped in the other day that her grey kitten she kept needs neutering. Does that mean it’s another female cat? I hope to god she’s learnt her lesson and gets it done ASAP