Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 12, 2023
They look like she’s been sifting through s! 🤢 absolutely vile, imagine the smell of her actually don’t it would be horrific
Didn't she say that "addicts" do something called s pickin that they pick around anything & everything for the tiniest lil bit of drugs? That's why her fingers are always do dirty 😨

mad cat lady

Apr 16, 2023
I'm on amitriptyline,tramadol, naproxen, codeine & oramorph & the most I get is very sleepy & dizzy, never get "a buzz" from them,
She'd be creaming her pants at my medical cupboard, this is just a bit of my monthly medication Screenshot_2023-05-09-08-57-09-637_com.miui.gallery-edit.jpg
I swear my lot gets bigger each time I pick it up 🤣 lou will be intouch shortly she will be your best friend 🤣 ive got to admit I asked the kids the one day of I was like a smack head on my meds and they said no mom your just the same only we know after a hour of taking morphine you will say yes to anything! They ask for a game or a order of something once in a blue moon but honestly if I was like lou on my meds I would stop them completely! I would put up with the pain the last thing I ever want to look like is her
Apr 12, 2023
I swear my lot gets bigger each time I pick it up 🤣 lou will be intouch shortly she will be your best friend 🤣 ive got to admit I asked the kids the one day of I was like a smack head on my meds and they said no mom your just the same only we know after a hour of taking morphine you will say yes to anything! They ask for a game or a order of something once in a blue moon but honestly if I was like lou on my meds I would stop them completely! I would put up with the pain the last thing I ever want to look like is her
Omg same, mine only ask for anything at night after 8pm 😂😂 also food I'll just say yes to anything after 8pm
Apr 24, 2023
I've always been curious to hear James's version of what actually went on with her. She has a photo on her profile back in 2020 and its clear she was on drugs then. He was obviously going out to work everyday and she was using when those kids were in her care. It makes no sense him having the kids if he apparently abused her. Of course none of this is her fault though. I always had my suspicions about her from the very beginning
Apr 12, 2023
Pharmacy worker of 2 years here. In my experience I have seen countless countless addicts be prescribed codeine & also olanzapine alongside their methadone. Not saying I believe that those prescriptions are genuinely hers/she hasn’t bought them etc but codeine is absolutely prescribed alongside methadone. And it’s also prescribed to pregnant people very regularly too
I remember when i was pregnant and had the worst tooth infection ever. I went to the emergency docs and was prescribed some antibiotics and codeine. Went to pick it up at the pharmacy and they'd prescribed 100 codeine tablets. Wtf! You're only meant to take 3 days worth, even the pharmacist was like 'we're not giving you this many' I did get my 3 days worth though.


May 2, 2023
Jumping in to be controversial, I always tell my midwives that I use cannabis to stop my HG, my last pregnancy with the twins the doctor did a little dance and clapped her hands when I told her 🤣🤣 there just needs lots more studies on it (happy to volunteer 🤣) but awesome to wake up and read about the blood brain barrier whilst waking and baking myself 🙌🏾🤣
Second controversial thing is that I don’t think it’s trolling to report her, if that was the case there wouldn’t be links on gov websites and telephone numbers to report people. They’d be no ofcom lol. I don’t care if she’s conning gullible insta accounts but draining a system that could be used by somebody truly in need ain’t the one, also it might actually save her waste of a life because I can’t see her ending up anywhere but dead in a gutter if she doesn’t get proper intervention 🤷🏽‍♀️
And is she really wearing that same outfit? 💀
Couldn’t agree more to be honest! It’s not trolling reporting someone who is taking the place of someone who genuinely needs it. Let’s not forget, it’s not just crackheads who wait for housing - it’s abuse victims, those fleeing DV, those fleeing bad families, those who have lost jobs to illness/cost of living/etc and can’t afford private rents…the list goes on…
May 5, 2023
It actually massively shocked me going into pharmacy, especially where addicts are concerned. They’re prescribed all sorts alongside their methadone - codeine/tramadol/pregablin etc. I have some addicts ask to buy co codamol but I always turn them down because I find it pointless anyway when they’re on such a high strength opiate.

I think what would also shock you lot is the needle supervision program because the addicts will go collect their methadone AND a fat needle exchange from a pharmacy for free

So basically, methadone is just a free substitute for heroin to people like Lou & Ste, who are absolutely NOT invested in true recovery. What a fing waste of money, no wonder The NHS is on its knees. However, I don't believe for a hot minute that she was prescribed codeine, she has bought that on the streets. I don't know where you are, but where I am codeine "shoppers" are known in pharmacies within a 5 mile radius and refused OTC opioids. At least that's a start for change for the better.

And yet even The NHS website states that methadone shouldn't be used alongside other opioids. No wonder the system is abused. I'm appalled. I really am.
May 11, 2023
So basically, methadone is just a free substitute for heroin to people like Lou & Ste, who are absolutely NOT invested in true recovery. What a fing waste of money, no wonder The NHS is on its knees. However, I don't believe for a hot minute that she was prescribed codeine, she has bought that on the streets. I don't know where you are, but where I am codeine "shoppers" are known in pharmacies within a 5 mile radius and refused OTC opioids. At least that's a start for change for the better.

And yet even The NHS website states that methadone shouldn't be used alongside other opioids. No wonder the system is abused. I'm appalled. I really am.
Pretty much yeah. I don’t believe she was prescribed it at the hospital but I do absolutely believe that there is every chance (IF she was even prescribed it) that she was prescribed it from Foundations. I obviously can’t say too much considering my job 🙃 but they do have prescribers there that prescribe things such as codeine, pregablin etc to people who are on methadone. But I guess if the NHS/BNF prescriber guidelines said they couldn’t, they wouldn’t do it.

So OTC opioids I refuse to people that I am aware are on methadone but I have worked with some pharmacists that have knowingly sold codeine to people that they know already have a codeine prescription. Believe me when I say the opioid epidemic is much much bigger than you or I could ever imagine and it’s really hard to work in this industry and see things like that day in day out.
I think with the NHS website, the wording is really important. It says that it ‘shouldn’t be used alongside others’ but not that it ‘can’t’ 😕