Lou @Lifewithloux

May 26, 2023
Sell the laptop or swap it for some kids stuff, quit the drugs, quit the fags, quit the begging. Show the court you are trying to provide for them fing imbecile
She basically got told to apply for legal aid on the basis of domestic violence and start making a bedroom for the kids so it looks like she's trying in front of a judge and now that person's a troll 🤣🤣🤣


May 3, 2023
The comments wernt even nasty( only about 3 people said anything ) just questions she really can’t stand the truth the balshy little b. She won’t reveal her business about her kids because there’s nothing to reveal she’s doing nothing. Hope the judge sees her off her trolley vids.
This isn't my area, but best as I can tell - she's not even going through the legal process, is she? The only court things i'm aware of coming up is the magistrates for her burglary. It seems she's just given up.
May 26, 2023
The comments wernt even nasty( only about 3 people said anything ) just questions she really can’t stand the truth the balshy little b. She won’t reveal her business about her kids because there’s nothing to reveal she’s doing nothing. Hope the judge sees her off her trolley vids.
Not a single nasty comment just decent advice and a couple of questions


Jun 3, 2023
Long and short, she spent 20 minutes trying to sort her eyebrows, got asked if shes going to court for her kids. She has no court date or paperwork in progress but she's 'twying'. Got asked if she has a bedroom ready for her kids to which she said she hasn't because James would love her to do that then ot allow her access 🙄 she was told that it's not his decision but the courts decision and she's entitled to legal aid if the DV claims are true. Then she started dry crying and turning about how she hates her life and doesn't want to be here anymore.

Basically she asks for help and advice but if it's not about her Temu or Amazon wish list she's not interested
Hates her life ..yet we are all jealous of her ??.

Lou ...your landlord didn't screw you over...chances are you didn't pay the bills and then when landlord got the property back you didn't listen to her and collect your stuff in due time ( I believe its 14 days legal requirement before landlord can throw s out) .

I'm sorry but if it was me, I would be like " do my s...I'm saving my kids stuff " . I would then give every spare penny to get stuff for them , I would break myself in half and back again to provide for them.

But typical lou it's me me me

You aren't fighting for your kids. You can't even string a sentence together, how are you supposed to provide for them day in day out...and you chose ste over your kids !!!