Lou @Lifewithloux

mad cat lady

Apr 16, 2023
I've never taken illegal drugs but I can guarantee if I didn't have to take all my meds like the morphine Tramadol naproxen amytripline I wouldn't be taking them as its okay taking them for pain relief/aid but they mess other parts of your body up, ie kidney liver heart and its scary knowing what these drugs can do, but I think I speak for all the ladies on here that take the meds lou would be dribbling over not one of us have ever looked like lou while taking our medication legal recommended dose, so how many has she actually taken to get that affect? It would be classed as a overdose wouldn't it?

Wonder where her declined emergency/medical help form is because the ambulance need to leave her a copy, I actually don't think the ambulance turned up well I hope it didn't as I would hate it going to her and not someone in need!
They have that injection now for when they think it's a opioid overdose, I'm sure any medical personnel would know its drugs and not just sleeping tablets! Does she think everyone believes her and her lies?
Apr 17, 2023
I don’t believe for one minute that an ambulance was called!
there was talk on the live in the comments but I don’t think anyone called one as no one seemed to know where she lived( the ones who were worried about her didn’t know)

she does things for dram as on Saturday morning someone mentioned walking aids for her and then all of sudden she couldn’t walk without a crutch and today she’s hot footing it in town
May 26, 2023
She is 100% using something.
I'm a recovered addict and this is like looking at myself 20 years ago.
Methadone doesn't do this.
Beta blockers don't do this ( I'm on those now)
Opiate based painkillers do ,which she can't have been given legally as its mega no no for a doctor to prescribe those to someone actively taking methadone.

It may be pregablin, diazepam, or morphine at a guess .

I have chronic illness that caused excessive fatigue and even I'm not like she is ,that isn't tiredness. She can't be tired she does sweet FA all day.

Some of her accounts who follow her are saying they spotted a syringe on her floor in one of her stories over the past few days .

She needs sectioning. She is gonna die at this rate and as much as i hate her ,I don't wish her dead no matter how much of a disgusting human she is .
I truly believe this. I withdrew off my opiates and it was horrendous. I didn't stop crying for 3 solid day and the next 5 my sex drive drove me insane, I was clawing the walls. I will never ever touch opiate medication again, the withdraw was that bad I know it's some serious s. I would say she's on a much much higher dose than legal to be this non functioning as I was perfectly capable on maximum dose.
My illness also causes chronic fatigue and also not Ike this at all. This is drugs
May 11, 2023
Carol and Lou's parents are as much to blame as Lou. In fact, more so - Lou is Frankenstein's monster- they have created/ruined her. I don't think she's ever heard the word 'no' in her life. She's never had tough love.

I'm not sure Lou's parents have much going on up top, but Carol... You have kept Lou as a spoiled pet for at least 4 years now..... Just wondering how that's working out for you? Feeling good about yourself? Do you go to bed at night feeling smug whilst polishing your halo?

You've enabled Lou and her lies and her bullshit and her fantasy world for far too long. If you'd never showered her with whatever she hinted for she'd probably be clean now.

You've taught her to beg. You've rewarded every fake tear, every faked drama, every implausible whim. You've taught her that she doesn't have to try. You've taught her that all she needs to do is hint and Saint Carol will deliver.

She's using you Carol. Me, and hundreds of other more awake people will have told you this in DMs before - going back to 2018 or 19 or whenever this sshow started. Do you see that we were right? Or do you still think your mission has been a success?

When you started funding her, she was a pain in the arse but my god she was a completely different person to the Lou we have at the end of 2023. They're like two completely different people, DECADES apart.

You'll likely stick your fingers in your ears and say you're still helping a person in need and where's our empathy blah blah blah.

You've ruined her carol. She's absolutely fed. Congratulations! Your whole relationship with Lou is creepy, weird, unhinged, unhealthy and responsible for where she's at now.

Hope you feel at peace in your American mansion. fing oddball.

There's been some speculation that you've withdrawn your help. Unlikely - i think you're addicted to the thrill of 'helping'. But anyway, even if you have - too little too late.

It's all a bit Munchausen's by proxy for me and if the worst comes to the worst you'll not feel any guilt because it'll just open up another avenue for attention. It's like something out of Black Mirror, but it's real and i can't get my head around it.
Jun 21, 2023
But it just got way too weird way too quickly.

If she gave a s about Lou's kids, she'd be in touch with James.

Buying tat, waiting for the tears *then* giving her a handout. It's just fing odd.

I remember her helping another girl out, her name started with F and she had kids. She gave her a bunk bed set, and there may have been a few other bits. Don't think it went much further than that, but F wasn't anywhere near the Trainwreck Lou was/is
Sep 12, 2023
I’ve been a lurker on here for months now. After yesterday’s embarrassment I’ve had to make an account.

Lou is too far gone now for help. She’s that high she thinks her behaviour is normal. Why take a ‘sleeping tablet’ to sit and draw on your eyebrows and straighten your hair 🙄

You’d think she would still be buzzing from her time with Alfie at the weekend. Any decent mother would be determined to do absolutely anything to get regular time with their kids. What does lou do? Begs for clicks on a temu link and uses the money on drugs. Lou and all her enablers, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves. This behaviour should not be encouraged. She needs to give herself a good shake the dirty rotten tramp.
Jun 21, 2023
I read last night that straightening your hair might 'help' to pass a drugs test - coupled with the bleaching. I mean she's obsessed with those straighteners!
I think that's why she bleaches it so often, even when it doesn't need doing. Ste just shaves his head. Lou might as well start doing that. Her hair is falling off anyway
Apr 20, 2023
I’ve been a lurker on here for months now. After yesterday’s embarrassment I’ve had to make an account.

Lou is too far gone now for help. She’s that high she thinks her behaviour is normal. Why take a ‘sleeping tablet’ to sit and draw on your eyebrows and straighten your hair 🙄

You’d think she would still be buzzing from her time with Alfie at the weekend. Any decent mother would be determined to do absolutely anything to get regular time with their kids. What does lou do? Begs for clicks on a temu link and uses the money on drugs. Lou and all her enablers, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves. This behaviour should not be encouraged. She needs to give herself a good shake the dirty rotten tramp.
I think she's got her hands on whatever she can to escape the reality of the weekend. It must've killed her to see Alfie for a little while, then he's gone. Then the drama with ste. So she's actually felt real emotions, and has instantly blocked it all out with drugs.


Jun 3, 2023
Why does she need sleeping tablets? She spends half her life fing napping or asleep, now all of a sudden she's got sleeping pills!

She's getting bigger by the day, she needs to pack the fing s in. She's not giving herself good odds on living at this rate.
Sleeping tablets are addictive. I was addicted to zolpidem and it made your brain itch if you didn't take it.

It never helped me sleep past the first few weeks ,after that I was chasing a feeling, they are unfortunately very easy to get on prescription, and some brands can be cut and used to elevate other drugs.

If she has access to gabapentin that's well know to be used with opiates and methadone and can make you high when combined with other things.

It's a class c drug without prescription, I was on it a few years back for severe migraines ,but had to be prescribed from the head neurologist as the rules changed a few years back due to its abuse by illegal drug addicts.

She may not be taking heroin by needle but she has swapped one drug for another and one of these days she isn't gonna wake up.

Seeing little Alfie at the weekend wasn't enough to evoke any emotion in her ,she will never fight for her kids . Her only love is money 💰
May 3, 2023
Even her voice sounds completely different. If there was video evidence of this happening slowly, I would be thinking its some kind of conspiracy theory and that ste got shot of the real lou molly and oscars mum and got this "lookalike" pleb pregnant and forced her to stand in her place to get him money.
It's absolutely horrific what she has become and I really hoped the money making aspect of tiktok would have kept her "clean" online. She has already blew her chances with insta and exhausted all money options there. Tiktok seems to have wised up quicker than j thought

Over the last few days I've tried to think how she feels and tbh I can't even imagine a life without my kids my wee man has started nursery and its hard someday cause I miss his wee voice them 3 hours he's away. Life just wouldn't be worth living without my kids and I think that's where she is. I just hope to god someone catches her sections her and hopefully saves her life cause her path of destruction isn't hurting anyone but herself.