Lou @Lifewithloux

May 26, 2023
I missed most of the live today as called in to work on emergency. What happened?
He was on the bus, looked like he'd popped out for drinks and choc choc. Open and honest as usual, took all advice and admitted his faults. Walked in Lou's and she jumped straight down his throat having a pop. Bloke hasn't done a thing wrong, bought her the crap she likes and she started an argument


May 3, 2023
Can anyone interperate this lol?

All I can grasp is she is fewmin people like ste sometimes and opening his eyes up to what's happening
Pretty much that. she's seeing that his comments are an outpouring of positivity to him (you fing snakes 🐍🐍🐍 ) and pointing out holes in her story/questioning what's going on with carol. It's a narrative she can't control. A nightmare situation for someone who's kebab supply depends on telling a story.
Jun 21, 2023
What snakey behaviour? He's not doing anything wrong.
Her idea of people having good intentions means 'only if you gift me'.
Her comment that his followers came from her is mildly infuriating. They don't belong to her, they can watch his lives if they want. If they find him more interesting that's on her. Maybe she could work on not falling asleep, speaking clearly, telling the truth, and not begging for starters because those things seem to be working for Ste.

Thick as pig s, that one
Jun 21, 2023
Why what happened
Just poking the bear constantly when the guy is doing nowt wrong. He will snap eventually and it will be female victim proclamation and he will get sent down and life ruined and the cycle of jail will continue forever

He is still a wrong un but she starts it with him coz she is jealous
Jun 21, 2023
Never seen anything so weird! The blokes not even allowed to go in insta without her watching. It's so controlling. She's a proper narcissist, she know better than anyone, she hold no accountability, she treats everyone like s and he can't move for her
He said she's good for him because she stops him going out with his mates doing dumb s.

Not that it saved him from his run in with the cops last week