Lou @Lifewithloux


May 11, 2023
I find it absolutely mind blowing... the girl that had nothing but a carrier bag of stuff 6 months ago, had no job, on benefits, is currently filling bin bags with crap out of her bedroom.

Just saw her gather up about 5 unused make up bags together. The place is rammed with useless stuff. I'd love to know how much money she's blown through, I bet it it's a sickening amount
Apr 30, 2023
Jeezo I can’t watch anymore of this s. People Suggesting she uses someone’s blue light discount?! Miss Marvel has just sent her £20, and now she says she can’t drink tap wartah cuz it’s just not vewy nice.
I've come out as well. She's a waste of oxygen and those idiots are blinkered 🙄

Lous Alexa

Apr 16, 2023
I find it absolutely mind blowing... the girl that had nothing but a carrier bag of stuff 6 months ago, had no job, on benefits, is currently filling bin bags with crap out of her bedroom.

Just saw her gather up about 5 unused make up bags together. The place is rammed with useless stuff. I'd love to know how much money she's blown through, I bet it it's a sickening amount
Which is why I think that whole story was bullshit.

Big bertha

Aug 12, 2023
Jeezo I can’t watch anymore of this s. People Suggesting she uses someone’s blue light discount?! Miss Marvel has just sent her £20, and now she says she can’t drink tap wartah cuz it’s just not vewy nice.
Praising a 30yr old woman for tidying her bedroom🤦‍♀️ wtf lazy scruffy b 🤮that bed must stink it’s been that same duvet set for weeks 🤮🤮🤮
Apr 12, 2023
Praising a 30yr old woman for tidying her bedroom🤦‍♀️ wtf lazy scruffy b 🤮that bed must stink it’s been that same duvet set for weeks 🤮🤮🤮
Blows my mind that anyone would live like this at her age, my sisters 19 and her room is spotless ok my mum still hoovers through daily but she strips her bed herself and doesn’t leave wrappers and bottle’s everywhere because she’s not a scruffy lazy b! There’s no nicer feeling than getting in those clean bed sheets after a bath, or getting up in the morning and having a shower and putting on clean clothes or coming home to a clean house it’s mind blowing anyone would choose to live in a s hole especially someone with that much time on their hands, and I’m not falling for the it’s my menkal elf I just can’t do it, well maybe if you did it would fing improve your menkal elf ya daft t!
Apr 12, 2023
Someone suggested she used a table she already has for beside her bed to put a lamp on..but no Lou needs matching ones for either side..give me strength, anyone else would make do until they can afford to get what they want
If she got off her arse and got a job then maybe she would have the luxury of getting nicer things like matching bedside tables but when you’re a lazy b who expects someone else to pay for everything then you’ll have to make use of what you have! 🙄