Lou @Lifewithloux

Aug 29, 2023
I honestly can't believe what I just watched and that's saying something for Lou. Even the people trying to help her - she wants to cry for them to feel sorry for her but doesn't really want their full help. When the girl said il be your moderator Lou, Lou reads a comment saying don't make her your mod cos she will block everyone and Lou says oh no its ok, I'm fine. Moans about the trolling but will not come off social media. It makes no sense other than she wants to be on it for money, gifts and people to be nice to her. But for some reason - and nobody is that thick- cannot understand why people say what they say to her. She doesn't want help, she would be better to just admit it. It's the lies people get angry at. Begging people for help when what she means is financial help. I could go on and literally fill a book with what's wrong in Lou's life but what's the point cos until she realises she's the problem nothing is ever going to change with her. The threatening suicide was absolutely abhorrent behaviour too. All the things you shouldn't bring to social media I think she's done. Scary to think teens can watch her but if nothing else at least she's a brilliant advert for anyone thinking about it to not take drugs!
Apr 30, 2023
I’ve seen the video of where she pops the pills but has anyone got a video of about 7 seconds after when she realises she’s on lives and you can literally see the cogs in her tiny brain turning and she says something like “oh s, look!” to Ste, then shows him her phone to show him she’s on live?
That's the part I'd love to see!

mad cat lady

Apr 16, 2023
Arghhhhh! I need to vent! My brother is a herion addict we lost my mom 6 years ago to cancer my mom would have nothing stronger then co-codimal for the pain in fear my brother would take her meds!! A women dying of cancer scared to have medicine incase her drug addiction son took it! These drugs uses don't care about anyone but them selves they will lie cheat steal just to get what they want and it's never their fault they take drugs!! I'm sorry but I have to take alot of strong pain meds which I wish I didn't have to as I know the damage it is doing to my body but of I don't take them the pain is mentally too much and I can't cope!! The side effects of the tablets are vile from suicide thoughts! Heart liver kidney failure! Consterpation that needs hospital! Plus the rest! If I didn't have to take these I wouldn't they aren't fun they don't make you happy! I struggle to get my meds as the doctors are strict and make sure my doses last, and she is just popping them for fun and is now scared of the withdrawal!!!! She should of thought of that before she put them in her mouth for nothing! Everyone knows preg gab are not the nicest drug and highly addictive!! I'm so angry at her I really want to slap her and her silly it's not my fault 😤 she really has annoyed me today sorry for the rant all
May 12, 2023
I’ve seen the video of where she pops the pills but has anyone got a video of about 7 seconds after when she realises she’s on lives and you can literally see the cogs in her tiny brain turning and she says something like “oh s, look!” to Ste, then shows him her phone to show him she’s on live?
Yeah I uploaded it further up 😇