Lou @Lifewithloux

Oct 17, 2023
I've been watching her s show ever since she tried wedging herself firmly up Mrs Hinch's rectal passage and thought it was a good look to defend her by calling everyone fs. So 5+ years now.

I've often wondered how she still manages to hook people in after all this time? Always on a steady stream of begged gifts and income, with at least a few people on the go at any given time.

If you don't mind me asking, how long were you following her for until you realised what she was truly like? I'm just asking because everytime I see her lives and stories I just know what an utter sewer rat she is, and I'd like the perspective of someone who may have come across a live/story of her fake tears, blaming everyone else, beg beg begging and still felt sorry for her. Does she act differently in DMs? (Ive never interacted with her so I wouldn't know)

I'm glad more people are seeing her for what she is, but also frustrated that she's probably got another 4 people in her inbox that she's grifting off
I started following her on Instagram in 2019 but didn't really take much notice tbh. But this year I thought she was genuinely struggling and felt so sorry for her (big fool me) and this week I started to question things when she fell asleep for hours on live and yesterday was the straw that broke the camels back. Yesterday opened my eyes.
Shes pretty much the same in DMs but only hear from her the odd time and its usually a pity party which I admittedly fell for.
Shes much the same in DMs, very friendly, maybe overly friendly now when I read back. I can't say too much about what we speak about or I will out myself and I want her to actually message me so I can give her a piece of my mind! So many people r actually genuinely supporting her and it's sad that she's taking advantage.. seeing her conversation with Ste yesterday should turn a lot of people.
Apr 20, 2023
I first followed Lou from the old cleaning thread. I used to think k she was a bit dim, but harmless. The first big thing was the £100 miss mops gave her. Lou cut her own fwinge, did her own eyebrows and lied about it. That pissed a lot of people off. I think it was about then the truth about her pregnancy with Molly came out, she'd been whining in a group chat that she was scared to tell James, the women were of fing course giving her money too. Lou didn't like us all thinking the truth about her. She was desperate to 10k followers so she could monetise her insta, so she bought followers, blamed tattle pretended to kill herself.


Oct 10, 2023
I wish Miss Marvel had been on that live yesterday to see the real Lou. It possibly could’ve given her a wake up call to make her stop defending her all the time
I really wanted Lou to get me on but you need 1000 followers on tiktok and I only have 2. She'd have me on I reckon. We actually are old friends, though we've fallen out on occasion.
Apr 22, 2023
What amazed me was the ppl saying don't worry was only a couple of pills ,or jesus there only pregabs, seriously some ppl shock me
To someone who is recreationally using drugs here and there, it might only be a couple of pills.
To an addict who has completely ruined their life through drugs it’s much more than that


Oct 10, 2023
What amazed me was the ppl saying don't worry was only a couple of pills ,or jesus there only pregabs, seriously some ppl shock me
Tbh that's kind of what I thought.
She's gonna do something, rather it be something semi-benign than crack.
Obviously it'd be better to just be sober but if she's doing something... They're not as bad as the alternative.
They're all ridiculously dangerous though, pregabs can cause seizure... Ironically as it's an epilepsy treatment
Apr 16, 2023
I think miss marvel was one of us and was playing Lou at her own game
I did toy with the idea that she was one of us and then she really annoyed me in the comments of one of Lou’s lives, ‘telling me off’ when I spoke the truth so I decided she was just another one of Lou’s gullible army (no offence to the new member that has seen the light)
Oct 17, 2023
I did toy with the idea that she was one of us and then she really annoyed me in the comments of one of Lou’s lives, ‘telling me off’ when I spoke the truth so I decided she was just another one of Lou’s gullible army (no offence to the new member that has seen the light)
No offence taken. Totally understand where u r coming from. I got told off myself in one of her earlier lives by someone who was in her team so I rarely spoke in her lives after that as I'm a grown ass woman with children so I don't need to b spoken to like a child. I rarely interacted on her lives although I stupidly sent gifts. But an army is definitely the word as some of the comments they were replying to people who challenged her were awful. I also think the use of the word "troll" is becoming common speech! There's a difference in trolling and calling someone out on their s.
May 26, 2023
I wasn't here for the Charlie or MM stuff. Can anyone tl;dr it?
Charlie was her first moderator on TT. Lasted for a couple of weeks. Then someone called an ambulance to Lous, think it was when she passed out slurring while straightening her hair. Lou accused Charlie of doing it the next day and they haven't been seen since. I've no idea who did it but I've spoken to Charlie on insta since and they said they don't even know her address. Lou then disappeared offline for a couple of days which was when I contacted Charlie asking if she knew a way to check in Lou. They were concerned but hadn't got a clue

Miss Marvel is her current mod along with Vonny. She's a confusing one as she doesn't always block comments and has made some harsh ones herself but also sent Lou a £20 Asda voucher recently. Last weekend when Lou slept on live after supposedly taking Stes meds miss marvel witnessed it, stayed in the chat for a good few hours having a laugh with us 'twolls'. She said she'd never seen Lou in that state before and could now understand why she gets so much hate online. Also admitted that she'd sent Asda to her previously. Another one not been seen since