Lou @Lifewithloux

Aug 29, 2023
I bet she doesn't go to that Makaton class 🤣 clever how you add the comments into 1 pic...I'm rubbish at that kind of thing 🙈 a screenshot is about my limit! She's trying to arse lick that Alex guy, I bet she doesn't show him the pic tho cos she probably k ows herself she's making it out to alot worse than it is. She's not bothered about sitting on live in a vest top now so why is she so bothered about that pic.
May 26, 2023
I bet she doesn't go to that Makaton class 🤣 clever how you add the comments into 1 pic...I'm rubbish at that kind of thing 🙈 a screenshot is about my limit! She's trying to arse lick that Alex guy, I bet she doesn't show him the pic tho cos she probably k ows herself she's making it out to alot worse than it is. She's not bothered about sitting on live in a vest top now so why is she so bothered about that pic.
I'll be honest it took fing ages but I am stoned so thanks 🤣🤣 makaton is the new Temu!
Jun 21, 2023
What is the point of her doing makaton classes? She doesn’t have any children that need to use it and surely there is no hope in hell of her working with children anytime soon. I can understand her need for the cooking and budgeting course she definitely needs that. But not makaton
It will be to do with either making content (or at the very least, mentioning the classes gives her something to talk about), clout chasing (look how considerate I am), some other ulterior motive (knows people doing it and wants to get her hooks in, or a combination of all.

But definitely not for any genuine reason

Stes glamdad

Aug 17, 2023
Alex always has to be involved and there is no need for him to be. All he does it sit begging for a box from angie and worries for her! He needs to get a life and pull his head from her arse, imagine being his girlfriend?? He is constantly licking her arsehole how would he have a second of his time to give to anyone else. Desperate wannabe and its embarrassing to watch
May 26, 2023
What is the point of her doing makaton classes? She doesn’t have any children that need to use it and surely there is no hope in hell of her working with children anytime soon. I can understand her need for the cooking and budgeting course she definitely needs that. But not makaton
Lou keeps copying big creators. Makaton will be Tasha and TJ 🙄
May 12, 2023
Ok so I'm behind???

The allegation was that the person behind the mentioned Instagram account 'knows how to play the system'

to then go on to say ' I hope they declare their readings to the DWP/HMRC' only serves to reinforce the fact that the person stating such has proof they aren't...

I suggest you go back in ya box
Apr 16, 2023
Alex always has to be involved and there is no need for him to be. All he does it sit begging for a box from angie and worries for her! He needs to get a life and pull his head from her arse, imagine being his girlfriend?? He is constantly licking her arsehole how would he have a second of his time to give to anyone else. Desperate wannabe and its embarrassing to watch
I think the whole lot of them need to get a life, i struggle watching for 5 mins, their in there all day, they chat total s, they bang on about bullies, there the biggest bunch of bullies, and the so called cult leaders(muppets) are so far up her arse there spewing crap, she is 48 living in her mothers box room sitting online all day, get a fkn job a proper 1
Jun 21, 2023
I think the whole lot of them need to get a life, i struggle watching for 5 mins, their in there all day, they chat total s, they bang on about bullies, there the biggest bunch of bullies, and the so called cult leaders(muppets) are so far up her arse there spewing crap, she is 48 living in her mothers box room sitting online all day, get a fkn job a proper 1
I'm only in them if Lou is there. If Lou wasn't in there spouting s, she'd be doing it on her Instagram stories and I'd be watching there.

The whole watching everyone ignore her desperate pleas for attention adds another layer to it, as does her in the box interacting with the others . But whether it's Angie, pearl, Red or anyone else makes no difference to me.

I'll give them points for the stamina required to spout s for 12 hours straight. Lou can't even sit up properly for 30 minutes. I don't know how she even thinks about becoming like them. Try staying awake for a whole live,Lou


Oct 8, 2023
Could you be Alex 🫣🤷‍♀️
Absolutely not,I'm in Angie's a lot,she's inserted herself into this group,she constantly drops hints about being hungry and that she's been crying,last night she was telling that group that what happened to ange has happened to her,the revenge porn thing I mean,she's going to try and get Alex on her side,hers was a photo of god knows what,Angie's was a video of her kebab exposed.... completely different,.