Lou @Lifewithloux


May 3, 2023
Listen you cheeky fing rat you don't know nothing about my grandad you fing joke my grandad was a better man than any of you fing idiots on here ,look at yourselves neglecting your children too come into a chat room you work all day and then don't even want too spend time with you children fing hypocritical pathetic waste of air do off
Probably a good thing your grandads dead. If he was half the man you idolize him as, he'd probably be mortified by the cretin you've grown up to be. But it sounds like he was just some knobhead who liked to beat his grandkids rather than parent them.


Apr 16, 2023
Just catching up on his rant this afternoon (thank you NotSoGrey) whys he so upset about people mentioning his Grandad as if he doesn't threaten to smoke peoples dead nans ashes?

Whys he saying he will go to people's houses and 'pet bomb'...the fella can't afford transport to court 10 min away.

Whys he threatening people with violence? The fella can't fight sleep for fs sake.

Stes glamdad

Aug 17, 2023
Just catching up on his rant this afternoon (thank you NotSoGrey) whys he so upset about people mentioning his Grandad as if he doesn't threaten to smoke peoples dead nans ashes?

Whys he saying he will go to people's houses and 'pet bomb'...the fella can't afford transport to court 10 min away.

Whys he threatening people with violence? The fella can't fight sleep for fs sake.
Yeah we are all double locking the doors tonight we are that scared 😅
Apr 16, 2023
Probably a good thing your grandads dead. If he was half the man you idolize him as, he'd probably be mortified by the cretin you've grown up to be. But it sounds like he was just some knobhead who liked to beat his grandkids rather than parent them.
And his mother must not of been much better, if was his grandparents bringing him up


Apr 16, 2023
He can't follow the law, how's he following a religion. He's fing delusional.

Ranting about people on here neglecting their kids ad if the thing he impregnated didn't lose her two older two and then not even leave the hospital with their baby. That's how unfit of a mother she is.

Alfie is what 2? And Ste would do absolutely anything for his child. He would do so much for his child that's he's up in court next week for breaking the law (again). Has bags full of tablets that he sells to the addict that lost his child in the first place.
Degrading people not being able to afford an ice cream for their kids after being at work all day as if ever penny he gets doesn't come from those very people working hard so he can toss it off in the bookies or in the bungalou crack den.
A great role model for your son. Well done mate. 👏


Jul 15, 2023
Wet Wang
He can't follow the law, how's he following a religion. He's fing delusional.

Ranting about people on here neglecting their kids ad if the thing he impregnated didn't lose her two older two and then not even leave the hospital with their baby. That's how unfit of a mother she is.

Alfie is what 2? And Ste would do absolutely anything for his child. He would do so much for his child that's he's up in court next week for breaking the law (again). Has bags full of tablets that he sells to the addict that lost his child in the first place.
Degrading people not being able to afford an ice cream for their kids after being at work all day as if ever penny he gets doesn't come from those very people working hard so he can toss it off in the bookies or in the bungalou crack den.
A great role model for your son. Well done mate. 👏
I quoted a bit of matthew 18:22 to him and I got blocked.

21Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" 22Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.

Obviously, he doesn’t agree with the words of his own faith. So @fyousillysadcunts - technically you should be more forgiving towards us… and you should have another 76 forgives for you to offer me