Becki Jones @beckijones4

Mar 8, 2024
It’s a shame for her really as she is getting closer and closer to the point of no return. I really hope something clicks and she decides she is ready to diet. I would get behind her 100%, I’ve done weight loss myself (started no where near as big as her) and it was the hardest battle I ever had so I would help anyone who was truly on that journey.
She’s massive and getting bigger by the day. And she’s got no give a fs about it really. But her food intake and portion sizes are huge so h she really has no interest in losing weight. She just wants to eat and eat.
Good on you for doing something about it. It’s difficult. I’m proud of you queen
Mar 8, 2024
Yep it’s annoying as hell is her voice 🤣 quite manly. But none of the rest of them seem to do the fake accent so no idea why she does.
She’s just another bell end. No one even dare come for me about it cus she’s a child. She’s an annoying little tit who can’t dance and pretends to be scouse. I said it and I’m not sorry
Mar 8, 2024
It’s true though, someone needs to tell her she can’t dance and stop letting her embarrass herself 🤣🤣
They really do! Becki going over the top about her dance moves doesn’t help. It just makes her fink she’s a great dancer. She just can’t dance. It makes me son uncomfortable when I see her dancing. Like I shouldn’t be watching it


Mar 9, 2024
They really do! Becki going over the top about her dance moves doesn’t help. It just makes her fink she’s a great dancer. She just can’t dance. It makes me son uncomfortable when I see her dancing. Like I shouldn’t be watching it
It’s secondhand embarrassment isn’t it, like it makes me cringe so much I have to scroll. I hope she’s got another career in mind that’s for sure.
Mar 8, 2024
It’s secondhand embarrassment isn’t it, like it makes me cringe so much I have to scroll. I hope she’s got another career in mind that’s for sure.
Yeah it’s like them dance routines at weddings.. I can’t actually watch cus it pains me with embarrassment. It’s the same thing. It’s just grim. Hopefully she grows out of it and finds something else. And not fing TikTok like auntie obesity


Mar 8, 2024
I feel self conscious eating in public or in front of people I don’t know well for fear of being looked at and being thought of as fat. I’m 14/16 for size. And no I know it’s not big but to me I feel massive so if I was Beckis size I wouldn’t be eating outside me house. She doesn’t care. She has this love of food that puts her worries to the back of the meaty head so she doesn’t fink about it. Plus she thinks she’s smaller than she is so that helps too. She doesn’t realise people mock her. She finks people fink she’s this funny and dainty girl. She’s a massive unfunny over grown toddler
Aw guys...your nowhere near fat!
I'm a size 24 so I am, but still eat out, hoping people don't think of me like they do Big B x
Mar 8, 2024
Aw guys...your nowhere near fat!
I'm a size 24 so I am, but still eat out, hoping people don't think of me like they do Big B x
No absolutely not. I am sorry if my comment made you feel this way. This wasn’t my intention. I suffer from body image issues and this is to do with me no one else. The comments about Becki about to do with her and solely her. Not a reflection on anyone else.
You should eat out. Absolutely. Difference with Becki is she eats so so badly and gets praised for it and is smug about her weight. Plus she’s just greedy. You are not. Again I am sorry if my comments hurt you x


Mar 9, 2024
Yeah it’s like them dance routines at weddings.. I can’t actually watch cus it pains me with embarrassment. It’s the same thing. It’s just grim. Hopefully she grows out of it and finds something else. And not fing TikTok like auntie obesity
OMG I hate those wedding routines too 🤣🤣 let’s hope her dreams are bigger than auntie Dreamliner 🤣🤣


Mar 8, 2024
No absolutely not. I am sorry if my comment made you feel this way. This wasn’t my intention. I suffer from body image issues and this is to do with me no one else. The comments about Becki about to do with her and solely her. Not a reflection on anyone else.
You should eat out. Absolutely. Difference with Becki is she eats so so badly and gets praised for it and is smug about her weight. Plus she’s just greedy. You are not. Again I am sorry if my comments hurt you x
No, wasn't hurt. It's true tho, as a big girl I would never dream of over ordering on things...for even people the chance to have that opinion of me either. It's like she really isn't self aware on herself at all! I also agree...those eyes...those eyes...give me the creeps! My face also for record is nowhere like that 🤣🤣


Mar 9, 2024
Aw guys...your nowhere near fat!
I'm a size 24 so I am, but still eat out, hoping people don't think of me like they do Big B x
No way does anyone. I follow a few plus size women and I love their content, there is one called Laura (from Bake Off) who’s so pretty and fashionable. And relatable. I’ve been overweight myself and it’s an incredible hard journey. Like EA says Becki is a repulsive person with awful habits and a bad attitude too. You are not.
Mar 8, 2024
No, wasn't hurt. It's true tho, as a big girl I would never dream of over ordering on things...for even people the chance to have that opinion of me either. It's like she really isn't self aware on herself at all! I also agree...those eyes...those eyes...give me the creeps! My face also for record is nowhere like that 🤣🤣
She just can’t contain her appetite and just eats but it’s the amount at the one time and the take aways more than one a day. She isn’t self aware because she is delusional that she’s skinnier. And them eyes are terrifying. I’m sure your face isn’t like that. She’s nasty so her ugliness comes from the inside out


Mar 9, 2024
No, wasn't hurt. It's true tho, as a big girl I would never dream of over ordering on things...for even people the chance to have that opinion of me either. It's like she really isn't self aware on herself at all! I also agree...those eyes...those eyes...give me the creeps! My face also for record is nowhere like that 🤣🤣
I don’t think anyone on earth has a face and head as big as her 🤣🤣


Mar 8, 2024
No way does anyone. I follow a few plus size women and I love their content, there is one called Laura (from Bake Off) who’s so pretty and fashionable. And relatable. I’ve been overweight myself and it’s an incredible hard journey. Like EA says Becki is a repulsive person with awful habits and a bad attitude too. You are not.
Thank you girls! As I said in other feed I'm on gallbladder friendly diet at moment and makes you realise how much fat is in things...Eitak58 your right she could do with doing it with me x


Mar 9, 2024
Thank you girls! As I said in other feed I'm on gallbladder friendly diet at moment and makes you realise how much fat is in things...Eitak58 your right she could do with doing it with me x
What sort of things can you eat on that? How you finding it? And yeah fat, sugar and calorie content really is shocking when you pay attention isn’t it.

And yes she could but in her own words ‘she ain’t ready to diet’ but I’ve no idea why as she needs to be. I hope she changes her mind.