Becki Jones @beckijones4


Mar 9, 2024
I’m usually sceptical about these things but I don’t think this is fake… There is a real person with that name posting on Facebook and with pics of Becki’s nan etc… This screenshot is from when Leah didn’t invite them to a birthday of one of her kids (guessing Becki decided it)

Finally caught up on it all, yeah 100% real isn’t it. She’s the horrible t we all knew she was.
Mar 8, 2024
What the do have I just watched on her page. The b&m song and she’s bouncing round the place as if she owns it. I lay in me bed mouth wide open in absolute shock and disbelief at this.. I just have no words for this. She literally fing loves herself she thinks she gorgeous and attractive. She’s built like a s brick house. She’s stomping round the shop like a docker.
Her hello guys is so confident. Where has she got this confidence from when she has the body of a skip! No just fing no.


Sep 25, 2023
People like this just hate the truth, when people comment calling her a whale or to go on a diet, even some of the most extreme comments that I won't write here, but we've all seen them, she leaves those comments there because she gets something out of it, she can play the victim and garner sympathy,, but when someone actually points out that its becki that's the bully, she'll delete every comment, she seems quite controlling, she rules that house, I always think that the parents are a bit afraid of her