She really doesn’t look good at all. She’s gained so much weight in a short space of time. She thinks it’s ok cus the Welsh lot accept her as she is and don’t judge her eating so she eats as much as she possibly can. She’s gone beyond help and she’s guna end up in hospitalHer eyes in those hairdressing posts look dreadful, she looks close to collapsing, I would be seriously worried if I was her, she is slowly killing herself with her lifestyle, no reputable GP would tell her she has no health concerns, I don't believe for 1 minute she would go near a Dr for fear of of hearing a few home truths. She's getting worse by the day and allowing the whole world to watch her eating herself to death, where the do is her self respect? All for a few quid and to believe she is some kind of celeb? Every person who watches her are taking the piss out of here including her Welsh 'friends'. It's all going to end in tears