BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer


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Sep 12, 2023
As I said, I did get my money back but it took ages as it was done as an echeque through his bank. I believed him until recently, because, like most people, I believe when someone says they're ill (especially as I constantly deal with family not believing me about my chronic illnesses so I know what it feels like), but when he was talking about having days to live & said that the book would still be for sale up until 7 days after he dies, I started having doubts, started digging & here I am. I always knew about the people he called trolls & some of what I've seen people say is unnecessary (insults about his body etc) but the information people have dug up is very useful for making an informed opinion about him & his actions. I believed him until I saw evidence that caused me doubt. I find it really weird too that "Lisa" is updating the GFM but not his Insta page, when that's where people go for updates. I ran it by my mum too (she's enthralled by what I call the cancer scam updates 🤣) & she said it's obvious she's posting updates there as it's where the money comes in. I just find it all so strange, how is it gonna end?
& just as I sent this, there's been an insta update 🤣


Aug 31, 2023
Well well, seems the Just Giving fund IS going to the charity after all. Maybe they do have a heart! Or is it a panic move, to make out they arent dodgy. it was set up very fast.. we all thought it was weird,
Doesnt take away from the other things tho....
That’s the new Just Giving account Lisa has set up, the orginal GFM from last year that raised over £60k with the tickets for the gala is still missing in action 🙈🙈🙈 the one he kept insisting he hasn’t touched yet even though people donated money for treatment he never had


Aug 31, 2023
As I said, I did get my money back but it took ages as it was done as an echeque through his bank. I believed him until recently, because, like most people, I believe when someone says they're ill (especially as I constantly deal with family not believing me about my chronic illnesses so I know what it feels like), but when he was talking about having days to live & said that the book would still be for sale up until 7 days after he dies, I started having doubts, started digging & here I am. I always knew about the people he called trolls & some of what I've seen people say is unnecessary (insults about his body etc) but the information people have dug up is very useful for making an informed opinion about him & his actions. I believed him until I saw evidence that caused me doubt. I find it really weird too that "Lisa" is updating the GFM but not his Insta page, when that's where people go for updates. I ran it by my mum too (she's enthralled by what I call the cancer scam updates 🤣) & she said it's obvious she's posting updates there as it's where the money comes in. I just find it all so strange, how is it gonna end?
I actually believe his now at the end. All the tagging of the hospice he surely wouldn’t be getting away with lying about dying. Although I could be proven wrong. What I do believe is he thought he could beat cancer and live off and enjoy the funds raised from the GFM last year and his book sales, he scammed people and I believe he used the money on the honeymoon, his designer clothes, finishing the house, deposit for the car lease ect ect. I don’t care how high up in her job Lisa is her salary does not fund their recent lifestyle. My husband earns a fantastic salary and we couldn’t afford to hire a private island for a week and fly first class. Even if his car is on lease the deposit would have been at least £15k. I think he is a narcissist and was in denial about his prognosis. I think he thought he could beat it or he had a lot longer to enjoy the money his made of innocent kind people.


Aug 31, 2023
I actually believe his now at the end. All the tagging of the hospice he surely wouldn’t be getting away with lying about dying. Although I could be proven wrong. What I do believe is he thought he could beat cancer and live off and enjoy the funds raised from the GFM last year and his book sales, he scammed people and I believe he used the money on the honeymoon, his designer clothes, finishing the house, deposit for the car lease ect ect. I don’t care how high up in her job Lisa is her salary does not fund their recent lifestyle. My husband earns a fantastic salary and we couldn’t afford to hire a private island for a week and fly first class. Even if his car is on lease the deposit would have been at least £15k. I think he is a narcissist and was in denial about his prognosis. I think he thought he could beat it or he had a lot longer to enjoy the money his made of innocent kind people.
Also on top of the lavish spending there is also your normal outgoings mortgage, utility bills, council tax, diesel, two cars to pay for, all that extravagant food they purchase. The life style doesn’t match their jobs. His companies are either in debt or never filled accounts. 🤔🤔🤔
Aug 14, 2023
Its just giving, they have already done a GFM, love your mum lol, but shes right, limited audience on insta, most are bought followers, bigger audience on JG, was it 7 days after he dies? I thought it was the next seven days after he said it, 🙄 yes there are alot of nasty uncalled for comments, that even I was shocked at. Takes alot to shock me...🥴 alot of body shaming etc, but he also said to these " trolls" as he calls them , get back to your dismal bedsits and eat your pot noodles, or something along those lines, therefore poverty shaming people..
Which with the col crisis....☹ so he is just as bad. And hes done alot worse. I dont understand, an I've said this before why is she spending her time arranging a fundraiser when hes supposed to be slipping he going to attend, ? Nothing she says makes sense....reading the latest screenshots. And if they arent doing something and it gets mentioned on the forums, oh like magic, it appears the next when they said strange he had no visiters, day later picture of " friends " apparently visiting, but outside, not inside....🤔 could of been an old random pic for all we know...
All very odd, and hes brought it on himself with all his bizarre random behaviour.


Aug 31, 2023
Also on top of the lavish spending there is also your normal outgoings mortgage, utility bills, council tax, diesel, two cars to pay for, all that extravagant food they purchase. The life style doesn’t match their jobs. His companies are either in debt or never filled accounts. 🤔🤔🤔
And let’s not forget a wedding the pay for, that we are still waiting on proof that it was a legal marriage and not just a big party 🙈
Aug 14, 2023
Yes, Ive said that. This new one which is actually going to the hospice, was set up really quickly last week, as if to say look we arent dodgy, deflecting away from past fundraisers. and jumping on the back of the hospices own fundraiser, making it all about him, Odd thing to do on his deathbed. Makes me think certain authorities might be showing an interest.
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Aug 14, 2023
Also on top of the lavish spending there is also your normal outgoings mortgage, utility bills, council tax, diesel, two cars to pay for, all that extravagant food they purchase. The life style doesn’t match their jobs. His companies are either in debt or never filled accounts. 🤔🤔🤔
Did he ever post much on instagram kf the massively lavish OTT christmas party he had at home? mere weeks after apparently claiming to have sepsis.
He has also had quite a few more of these private dining at home events all of which would cost a small fortune.
The christmas party one he had hired a bar and staff, there was an abundance of people attending there who he likely didn’t even know 😆
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Aug 14, 2023
Thats it in a nutshell really, her job would not fund all that, my partner earns £130,000 a year, we could never afford all that, so were did the MONEY come from????? 🤔 and if hes a " multi millionare" why did he set up a Go Fund Me, for money for private medical treatment he never had. 🤔 raising money and not using it for purpose surely is fraud? My partner doesnt see why I get annoyed, if those silly people want to give him their money, thats their problem, I see it like yourself. kind caring people who dont believe people can possibly be so awful. ☹ and thats really sad.
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Aug 31, 2023
Did he ever post much on instagram kf the massively lavish OTT christmas party he had at home? mere weeks after apparently claiming to have sepsis.
He has also had quite a few more of these private dining at home events all of which would cost a small fortune.
The christmas party one he had hired a bar and staff, there was an abundance of people attending there who he likely didn’t even know 😆
Oh Forgot about that party 🤣 honestly the money is limitless but moaned he had to pay £3000 for a scan the other month (even though he had his GFM treatment fund supposedly still sitting there untouched)🙈

Someone said earlier today they don’t agree with the body shaming on Tattle can I just say neither do I. Also the comments about Lisa what Lisa she looks like her clothes weight ect totally do not agree with that either. His clothes I’ve got zero insterest in them, each to their own. My only thing with his clothes is if they are designer then again that’s a lot of money to be spending! This isn’t about what he/she looks like for me it’s all about the scamming and lies. Also he set up a cancer page but the bragging and showing off really got me. Shaming people who live in bed sits have to eat pot noddles the other week, that was nasty and showed to everyone that money and material things is what matters most to him. Your health is suppose to be your wealth and his is too shallow to live by that.


Aug 14, 2023
Oh Forgot about that party 🤣 honestly the money is limitless but moaned he had to pay £3000 for a scan the other month (even though he had his GFM treatment fund supposedly still sitting there untouched)🙈

Someone said earlier today they don’t agree with the body shaming on Tattle can I just say neither do I. Also the comments about Lisa what Lisa she looks like her clothes weight ect totally do not agree with that either. His clothes I’ve got zero insterest in them, each to their own. My only thing with his clothes is if they are designer then again that’s a lot of money to be spending! This isn’t about what he/she looks like for me it’s all about the scamming and lies. Also he set up a cancer page but the bragging and showing off really got me. Shaming people who live in bed sits have to eat pot noddles the other week, that was nasty and showed to everyone that money and material things is what matters most to him. Your health is suppose to be your wealth and his is too shallow to live by that.
and here is the link to their first wedding anniversary dinner again just after he had supposedly left the hospice. It’s a wonder he was well enough for all of this

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Aug 31, 2023
and here is the link to their first wedding anniversary dinner again just after he had supposedly left the hospice. It’s a wonder he was well enough for all of this

Beggars belief. I’m not saying this to be flash on the slightest I’m only saying this because it angers me where all their money comes from and only thing that’s makes sense is it’s stolen and his also got away with not paying any TAX on all those companies his shut down. Me and my husband work hard we have a joint annual income of over £200k we have no children or dependents either. As I said we do not have the sort of money in our account that we could do what they have in the past 18months! Our house is only a fraction of the size of theirs too. We are both paid PAYE so we have the pay a lot of TAX on our salary but still we don’t have ready available cash that they seem to have. I looked up that island they went too without flights(as he said they also flew first class)or spending money ect it was over £25k just to stay there! Im also not jealous I’m just baffled beyond words the spending and showing off they have splashed all over social media. The first things authorities do is check social media pages. They look to see if a lifestyle matches your P60s or TAX returns. His done zero TAX returns for any companies his had apart from one that showed a £200k debt and was only worth £30k. I think the reason he shut his account down earlier this year was tattles we’re threatening to report him to HMRC 🙈🙈🤣
Aug 14, 2023
So lovely of all those kind people to donate their money so he can have such an extravagant evening. 🙄 they have absolutely no idea!
Aug 14, 2023
Hope someone has reported him, is that why hes been in hospice for two weeks, hogging a bed, they will get away with all of this, and when he passes she will just walk away. People might be respectful and not bother to ask for book money back, that's prob what they are banking on. Really truely sorry if he is dying, but should it excuse his behaviour, NO, bad people get cancer too!
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Aug 14, 2023
Beggars belief. I’m not saying this to be flash on the slightest I’m only saying this because it angers me where all their money comes from and only thing that’s makes sense is it’s stolen and his also got away with not paying any TAX on all those companies his shut down. Me and my husband work hard we have a joint annual income of over £200k we have no children or dependents either. As I said we do not have the sort of money in our account that we could do what they have in the past 18months! Our house is only a fraction of the size of theirs too. We are both paid PAYE so we have the pay a lot of TAX on our salary but still we don’t have ready available cash that they seem to have. I looked up that island they went too without flights(as he said they also flew first class)or spending money ect it was over £25k just to stay there! Im also not jealous I’m just baffled beyond words the spending and showing off they have splashed all over social media. The first things authorities do is check social media pages. They look to see if a lifestyle matches your P60s or TAX returns. His done zero TAX returns for any companies his had apart from one that showed a £200k debt and was only worth £30k. I think the reason he shut his account down earlier this year was tattles we’re threatening to report him to HMRC 🙈🙈🤣
Beggars belief. I’m not saying this to be flash on the slightest I’m only saying this because it angers me where all their money comes from and only thing that’s makes sense is it’s stolen and his also got away with not paying any TAX on all those companies his shut down. Me and my husband work hard we have a joint annual income of over £200k we have no children or dependents either. As I said we do not have the sort of money in our account that we could do what they have in the past 18months! Our house is only a fraction of the size of theirs too. We are both paid PAYE so we have the pay a lot of TAX on our salary but still we don’t have ready available cash that they seem to have. I looked up that island they went too without flights(as he said they also flew first class)or spending money ect it was over £25k just to stay there! Im also not jealous I’m just baffled beyond words the spending and showing off they have splashed all over social media. The first things authorities do is check social media pages. They look to see if a lifestyle matches your P60s or TAX returns. His done zero TAX returns for any companies his had apart from one that showed a £200k debt and was only worth £30k. I think the reason he shut his account down earlier this year was tattles we’re threatening to report him to HMRC 🙈🙈🤣
exactly and despite apparently not being VAT registered, declaring or paying any taxes he claims he got a refund from HMRC 🤔
Hope someone has reported him, is that why hes been in hospice for two weeks, hogging a bed, they will get away with all of this, and when he passes she will just walk away. People might be respectful and not bother to ask for book money back, that's prob what they are banking on. Really truely sorry if he is dying, but should it excuse his behaviour, NO, bad people get cancer too!
I sure have 👍


New member
Sep 1, 2023
I’ll never understand what’s going through some peoples heads on Tattle. They’re so fixated on being right that they can’t see how ridiculous they sound.

My neighbour was on EOL care and she was sat up and chatting right up until the day before she died, the hospital staff were asking if there was anything at all they could get her and they went looking for ice cream for her. The next day she died.