BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer


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Nov 14, 2023
[–]CubCorso 2 points 2 years ago

"Oh sorry. I have acute ADHD. She’s pretty much mentally bullet proof. No anxiety, no depression, no nothing. I got her to therapy and the therapist said my ADHD was a big part of the issue. But he did also tell her, after a bad bout of this, that she had become abusive. I couldn’t believe it it was like someone finally outside of myself called her out. She never spoke to him again and refused to go back to therapy. "

so basically, No one can challenge Lisa


Nov 2, 2023
If this REDDIT is true, I said in a past post, that all these latest lisa rants sounded like Richard, that maybe it had been lisa all along, writing for him, because the style of ranting and writing had continued after his death... maybe I was right, its been lisa all along.....😯
This is all just MENTAL. Mind blown!!!


Sep 6, 2023
Someone on T keeps saying that you have to wait 6 months for a death certificate to be available to the public and 18 months for a marriage certificate. As Ive said before I’ve found birth records but nothing else. I do check every week.
This is in reference to the death certificate being uploaded to the digital datebase to allow it to be seen. You can absolutely probably phone someone and request a copy in the meantime but it says in black and white on the database it can take up to 6 months to appear there should one be browsing for certs.


Nov 2, 2023
This is in reference to the death certificate being uploaded to the digital datebase to allow it to be seen. You can absolutely probably phone someone and request a copy in the meantime but it says in black and white on the database it can take up to 6 months to appear there should one be browsing for certs.
Yes absolutely. You can 100% get the certificate very quickly if you call Northampton


New member
Nov 14, 2023
I think it is certain that he has passed.
the only reason he would have faked his death is to escape Lisa.
what an awful Woman. If this had been the other way around and he had been pinching/punching her and acting nasty 7 days of the month, People would take it a lot more seriously.
he was stuck in an abusive relationship and due to finances could not leave.
maybe the book sale was his final attempt to get enough money behind him? who knows.


Nov 2, 2023
I think it is certain that he has passed.
the only reason he would have faked his death is to escape Lisa.
what an awful Woman. If this had been the other way around and he had been pinching/punching her and acting nasty 7 days of the month, People would take it a lot more seriously.
he was stuck in an abusive relationship and due to finances could not leave.
maybe the book sale was his final attempt to get enough money behind him? who knows.
I don't think he's innocent though. He's a seasoned liar, boastful and has conned alot of people out of a huge amount of money. I have no sympathy for him.
Lisa is vile too.


New member
Nov 14, 2023
no one is perfect of course, I personally just take any form of physical or mental abuse very seriously.
I see it a lot in my line of work.
people can develop PTSD from this kind of treatment.
it seems Lisa thinks she can treat people however she deems fit.
Someone asked for a refund so they were blocked and then their personal information is all over Social media.
Can you only imagine what would of happened if Richard didn't do the dishes guys?!
She thinks she is untouchable. YES there are people on the Bowelbro instagram page who side with her (she fails to realise they are Richards followers and no one actually cares about her - they cared about him )
I feel like she is now lapping up the attention, she clearly does not deserve
I think she should start her own Instagram account possibly using any of the below as a handle


@lisa - you're welcome
Aug 14, 2023
Its all getting ridiculous on Tattle, new people popping up with opinions ....Can we not deflect away from the fact there is an awful lot of money been taken for this non existent book,.... are people who have bought this book informing the police of possible fraud,...its the only thing we have any proof of atm..... so it can at least be looked into.....?
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Aug 31, 2023
OMG how did someone ever uncover these?

Bit of a game changer for me and now I 💯 believe she’s been involved in any scams GFM, book, his dodgy company ect ect.

She’s not the shy sweet innocent. I know we need to take some of that info with a pinch of salt but she doesn’t seem like a nice person at all!

Also agree she may have been writing all Richs threatening posts herself hence why writing style staying so similar!

Also seems like Richard has been on forums for years and maybe the bed sit and pot noddles put downs were actually a reflection on his real life before he moved into Lisas house, he was describing himself.
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New member
Nov 14, 2023
No idea how the Poster on reddit came across this, but spread like wildfire!
I agree and think a lot was her controlling his accounts. Maybe he picked up some of her Vocabulary?
I think the book will be released however I also think she has been controlling more than anyone thinks.
I may be wrong. I just have a gut feeling and always thought she was never innocent or nice.
She came across boring and snobbish in his live feeds.
She seems to have the personality of dry lasagne ingredients
Some one put it perfectly before, Lisa looks like his aunt. How much older than him is she?
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Sep 6, 2023
According to his posts on Reddit - She also called him lazy, intolerable and says he is so annoying it provokes her into being mean and behaving in a way that countless reddit users described her behaviour toward him as abusive. She calls him a hypochondriac (must have been interesting when he was diagnosed with cancer). She tells him to eff off when he raises it with her. Apparently She tells him that her mum hates him. BUT he says he’s tied to her financially (Ie his lovely lifestyle is thanks to her and her money and he’s not willing to give that up). He says he got her a therapist and the therapist told her she was being abusive toward him.

He says she has a pathological inability to be accountable for anything. So good luck getting that book!

(The rest of his comments elsewhere are pretty mysogynstic and rather transphobic… he’s also a bit of a covid denier too).
Aug 14, 2023
There is no book, theres a provisional contract to print a book, possibly in march next year, they have no book written to print, the publishers also put a disclaimer notice up saying they are not involved in the financial side of this book and any issues should be taken up with A significant find website, which has now been shut down. Like someone said, Richard did enough to make it look plausible and real, then watched 50k come rolling in.