BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer


Aug 31, 2023
Yeah that's true. The only thing i'd say, if it is a 'close' friend and/or someone within his group of friends, possibly they won't go to the police because they are worried about the repercussions of it if his other friends found out. Say you had doubts about one of your friends but no 'concrete proof' and you thought people would find out that it was you that went to the police accusing that friend of faking their death, you probably wouldn't go and risk falling out with the rest of your friends. Sorry this isn't very articulate, i can't quite explain what I mean but hope this makes sense! I'm just thinking, if they don't want to go themselves because of that, it might be why they messaged that lady so quickly off the back of the doxxing to let her know it really isn't just 'trolls on tattle' that believe he is lying.
Yes I understand what you are trying to say 😊
Aug 14, 2023
It certainly was, picked out and ordered while he was slipping away. Her words not mine......As was the fundraiser. worded, as tho he was already dead. The day before she was in the super car garage with the Ferrari and chatting on fb saying he was reading Malcolm X. Heavy reading for someone whos ' slipping away'
And the day he 'died' she answered someone on Fb who was complaining about not getting a refund....not to mention getting the day he died wrong.....
Priorities....there was none. If my partner was dying, i would be living, sleeping and always at his bedside. The nurses wouldn't be able to get rid of me.......everything else can get stuffed......theres so much happened over the last year you could literally write a pun meant...🤪


Sep 26, 2023
Just caught up, bleeping hell,
A few I know and bob, have emailed the Troubadour publishing and attached the screenshot of the fake stock image,(that she did) she claimed had been rejected for a new cover, asked them if this was their work and lisa said there was a new apparent print date.
Surprise surprise we have had no reply
So either they are fed up with the whole thing and are ignoring people,
Lisa has told them to ignore people ( but then why would they be bothered about losing the contract after the way they know she is behaving)
They have had enough of Lisa's lies, and her putting stock images out there and saying it's their work, and gotten the police involved.

Which leads nicely to the speculation that they are being investigated.
She told all the cherubs on Sunday that she had a print date, and she still hasn't told them when it is Four days later so shes either holding back for the beeping drama, or maybe the police have had a chat, wouldn't put it past her to withhold it tho she has all the power, 🙄 but I can imagine the cherubs now are getting abit pissed off with the cat an mouse games,
Can you imagine if you had ordered and paid for something, and 10 months later, after lots of promises and lies it still hadn't arrived, and then they tell you they have a definite date, but nearly a week later they haven't even bothered to tell you, it's a ducking joke it really is, and more fool the cherubs for putting up with it, my partner says it serves them all right for being so gullible, bit harsh but get a back bone all of you, call her out, don't worry about getting blocked and losing your money, its long gone, LONG GONE......never to be seen again, this is just never ending and bleeping ridiculous!!!!
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Sep 26, 2023
Which bizarrely, given her husband was in a hospice, she joked her father could be found next to Richard for those who wanted to take photos to share! Bit macabre for me!
What would possess you to spend time picking out a photo and ordering a life size cut out of your husband while hes supposed to be in a hospice dying.! Seriously!
I wonder if she still has it !


Sep 26, 2023
All very odd. I know it’s just delay tactics but at the same time how weird was that storey post, that stupid cover that wasn’t really the actual cover but she shared it anyway.
To the point we found out it was a stock image, why would she even risk that , sorry poppet, some of us aren't as stupid as you think, !!! bet the publishers aren't happy shes passing stuff like that off as their work, its game playing, whipping up the excitement of a pending new book cover and a print date,

Didnt Richard use another Architects pictures on his Davboss website passing it off as his own work, similar traits then.
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Aug 31, 2023
To the point we found out it was a stock image, why would she even risk that , sorry poppet, some of us aren't as stupid as you think, !!! bet the publishers aren't happy shes passing stuff like that off as their work, its game playing, whipping up the excitement of a pending new book cover and a print date,

Didnt Richard use another Architects pictures on his Davboss website passing it off as his own work, similar traits then.
So true he did use another companies photos. The guys who work it actually was confirmed the images were his and had been used without his permission. All smoke and mirrors to try and portray that he had this successful multi million pound company, to warrant their lavish lifestyles.