BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer


Nov 30, 2023
I've looked but dont know which one it is, 🤔
Hi, im one of the idiots who prepaid £25 quid for the twats book. Long story short, i was blocked from the bowelbro intstagram 2 weeks before he 'died'. Then i asked a question on Tittle about when book was being sent out, i was blocked from there too. Any help would be appreciated, i wanted to report to police in area he lived, not sure even where he did live! Im now sure Lisa was in on all of this, its not the money for me now, its just i dont want them getting away with it. Seems he has done so much illegal stuff before. Not right. Thanks in advance, Maggie x
Aug 14, 2023
Yes , i thought that. sometimes I feel we are the only ones trying to expose the truth. Otherwise it is just trolling....
I want to see this through to the end, like you said a few big names on Tat disappeared when he "died," but bet they come back if this all blows up as fraud....
This is all about her now. And not letting her get away with least if she does do a runner the police can speak to that estate agent, well both estate agents really and find a money trail.
If we have got this horrendously wrong, why doesn't she speak up and explain the delays, the houses being sold.....but would we believe her, she's told that many lies it would be hard to.......its nearly a week since she said she had a print date, why is she not telling people, ??.
Or is my version of shes going to blame it on the printers specifying the date, cos its January or something., ...true, and shes trying to come up with another excuse,
Why is she not saying what the date is.....has something happened i wonder,
Aug 14, 2023
Hi Maggie, I havent even bought a book an I'm mad about the way people are being treated.
Its Northampton police, West. They live in Overstone, dont want to give the address in case it gets me into trouble, but house is on Rightmove for all to see.
And yes, if you read the threads here and on tattle, you will find alot out.
Go fund me fraud, bowelbro charity gala money not used for purpose. Living beyond their means, Ferrari, Range rover, expensive 25k honey moon, designer clothes, etc he never even had a job. The more people that report the better, you are in the best position, you have paid for the book. We reckon they took about 50k. All those £25 add up.
Aug 14, 2023
Dont let them fob you off.
Its not just your £25, its everyones.... mention PC jack stanley, cos we know he was involved at some point, richard said he was going to arrest us all and drag us in kicking and screaming. Im sure he has an idea what Richards like by now. Good luck, let us know how you get on...👍


Nov 30, 2023
Dont let them fob you off.
Its not just your £25, its everyones.... mention PC jack stanley, cos we know he was involved at some point, richard said he was going to arrest us all and drag us in kicking and screaming. Im sure he has an idea what Richards like by now. Good luck, let us know how you get on...👍
This has really shocked me, never thought id be taken for a complete fool, i only followed him from following bowelbabe. Ive been reading some things on Tattle. Jyst unbelievable. Thank you for the information. Will let you know what they say.


Nov 30, 2023
Hi Maggie, I havent even bought a book an I'm mad about the way people are being treated.
Its Northampton police, West. They live in Overstone, dont want to give the address in case it gets me into trouble, but house is on Rightmove for all to see.
And yes, if you read the threads here and on tattle, you will find alot out.
Go fund me fraud, bowelbro charity gala money not used for purpose. Living beyond their means, Ferrari, Range rover, expensive 25k honey moon, designer clothes, etc he never even had a job. The more people that report the better, you are in the best position, you have paid for the book. We reckon they took about 50k. All those £25 add up.
I didnt question a thing until he said he wanted to life coach young people, i asked was he qualified to life coach, then next i knew im blocked. I feel stupid. Seriously upset me. Cherubs my arse. I seen people talking to him on his lives like he was a god. Just taken in.
Aug 14, 2023
Are you talking about them blocking you maggie, as in others it has happened to, there are people on here constantly complaining about being blocked, and not getting refunds. Asking questions about when the book is coming and getting blocked, she doxxed two women a few weeks back, for asking and put their business Instagram account all over bowelbro, which encited hate messages and harassment, one poor lady is disabled, and was terrified someone would turn up at her house cos she lived close by.....she went to police. Dont know the outcome tho. And the other lady did nothing at all. Mistaken identity, never even got an apology off lisa. Its all been going on. The last post with the book cover with the two hands was a stock image, designed by lisa prob. Poppyseed found the original picture, look at page 67, We are hoping the police are interested enough to read on here, they would find out so much.


Nov 30, 2023
Hi Maggie, I havent even bought a book an I'm mad about the way people are being treated.
Its Northampton police, West. They live in Overstone, dont want to give the address in case it gets me into trouble, but house is on Rightmove for all to see.
And yes, if you read the threads here and on tattle, you will find alot out.
Go fund me fraud, bowelbro charity gala money not used for purpose. Living beyond their means, Ferrari, Range rover, expensive 25k honey moon, designer clothes, etc he never even had a job. The more people that report the better, you are in the best position, you have paid for the book. We reckon they took about 50k. All those £25 add up.
The Ferrari made me wonder too. He really had ideas above his station, jumped up little eejit.


Sep 6, 2023
Welcome Maggie.
On the tittle website, I’ve taken a look and you can simply make up any old email and password and sign up (there’s no verification process). I’d try emailing the significant find website and posting on tittle again.

I’ve discovered there is a Northants and Northamptonshire police account on Twitter specifically looking at fraud. might be worth reporting him there via dm.


Aug 31, 2023
That made me mad, one min hes raising funds on gfm for medical treatment, which were never used for purpose, next thing hes having a 25k holiday and getting a Ferrari.🤬
Also someone said I think on R, Richard actually said himself his wife was having to sell her car to help fund his treatment. Fast forward a few months after a gala and GFM page and he boosts about being a self made millionaire, driving a Range Rover and Ferrari and hiring an private island for their long awaited honeymoon. You can’t actually write it can you? This honestly would make the best podcast or Netflix drama ever 🙈🤣🙈
Aug 14, 2023
Make sure you read up first. its not just the book, their behaviour has been extremely questionable, and theres undeniable proof that something is not right.
Troubador publishing that was contracted to print the book, Richard did just enough 20231117_122554.jpg 20231117_122621.jpg 20231117_122639.jpg to make it look plausible, have issued a statement saying they arent involved in the money side of things.and basically confirmed all lisas promises and print times have been lies. Thats just one email. The police could check with them also.