BowelBro Richard Davies Bowel Cancer Influencer


Sep 26, 2023
Just the fact they tidied up all the other companies on companies house but not this one has to do with this barn sale.

Yeah I will send some emails out tomorrow I will give them the basics and direct them over here to read and hopefully invest our findings so far.
Did you send any emails @Sal


Sep 26, 2023
Going off the subject of our recent find. BARN DEVELOPMENT.
l looked on Troubador website regarding fictitious book....and when you look into the Services offered, it says you can 'print on demand' so all that bulls**t she was spouting all this time was actual Bulls**t...... so now its a fictitious third party printer🙄 and Troubador Publishing have stopped replying to our emails, prob fed up with the whole thing....I hope they kept the money. And I hope theyve reported her to the police for all the lies she told about them. Passing off her poorly made stock image fake book cover as their work.....
When are the lies ever going to stop......
Print on demand...???? What a web of lies she spun.


Sep 26, 2023
So we all know shes waiting for this 700k house on the Barn development to go through,
Which is the constant reason for the pretend book, the fake book cover, the fake email from the fake third party publishers, to be delayed. So all this time waiting, nothing happening is all working in her favour while she waits for money to drop, why is this still all ongoing why hasn't she been investigated by the police, I know for a fact people have put complaints in,
People really need to start complaining about fraud with this book, police only need to speak to Troubadour publishing to be told about all the lies shes told, they can literally confirm everything, so theres the backup of your complaint! Enough evidence for them to start making enquiries.
If enough people complain it will all be linked, Reports have been made to other departments,
This will all come to a head at some point it cant carry on indefinitely, so instead of waiting for actual confirmation you have been diddled out of your book money, cos you have, report it now!!!
Aug 14, 2023
Yes, thats a point ....Troubador publishers can back up everything. theyve been sent screenshots of all her lies, and the fake book cover and recently the new claim it had gone to print but with no specific date.....🙄 so if anyone wants to complain to police, the publishers can back the claims of fraud up.....that was so obvious...staring us in the face...🤪🤪🤪 just give the police their details, and the same for any journalist that might not believe us.....check with publishers!!
Dec 3, 2023
When you put it like that it makes perfect sense, He could of also had investers, for the whole development who would also stand to lose money if she disappeared. which could be another reason hes alive on companies house? To fool them too.....
Good luck with emails....🙂
Sorry if this has been asked before….. would you have to provide a death certificate to CH to inform them?
Aug 14, 2023
Yes, Should imagine you would need proof of death . As you would with bank etc.....
Get what you mean.......he either isnt, or its fraudulent because of the chance of assets being frozen.
Thats why we all thought initially he wasnt dead, because she hadn't informed them of his death. Now we think it could be both,
It does say you have to report a death within 14 days on their website.
I know of people who have reported this to companies house, and they did ask them for proof of death. Which apart from the screenshots that announced it. And the death certificate not being available to the public until March 24, is difficult.
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Aug 31, 2023
Did you send any emails @Sal
Hi guys. Very sorry not sent the emails yet. You won’t actually believe this the HMRC contacted my husband today to arrange a 4 year VAT audit 🤣 you normally have one every 6 to 10 years and his last one was over 6 years ago. I actually got excited as i thought this could be perfect opportunity to speak to an actual HMRC inspector about my suspicions on old Dav Boss Build Ltd and others. Unfortunately the HMRC inspector won’t be be coming to my husbands offices they are happy to do it remotely. I have said if there’s any opportunity to speak about fraudulent companies can he? The audit isn’t until mid January though.

Anyway I will send the emails out to the papers tomorrow. Sorry for delay.


Aug 31, 2023
So we all know shes waiting for this 700k house on the Barn development to go through,
Which is the constant reason for the pretend book, the fake book cover, the fake email from the fake third party publishers, to be delayed. So all this time waiting, nothing happening is all working in her favour while she waits for money to drop, why is this still all ongoing why hasn't she been investigated by the police, I know for a fact people have put complaints in,
People really need to start complaining about fraud with this book, police only need to speak to Troubadour publishing to be told about all the lies shes told, they can literally confirm everything, so theres the backup of your complaint! Enough evidence for them to start making enquiries.
If enough people complain it will all be linked, Reports have been made to other departments,
This will all come to a head at some point it cant carry on indefinitely, so instead of waiting for actual confirmation you have been diddled out of your book money, cos you have, report it now!!!
You know what I’m going to contact HMRC fraud tip off line. There is a service where can report suspected fraud. Guys can a few of us try and do this so it not just one complaint.


Aug 31, 2023
Ok with companies house all you have to do is file a standard TM01 form there’s no option the states the director/shareholder has died it’s just to inform them they are no longer a director. So it’s the same form to resign as a director and also to file if a director has died. So no death cert required.

With regards to informing HMRC of a death as mentioned before the Solictor taking care of probate ect will use one of those online services like: Tell us once this will inform HMRC, banks, mortgage companies, utility companies but not companies house.

At this stage all bank accounts will be frozen. To only time you are exempt from using money from a personal account is to pay for a funeral. The Solictor will only authorise funeral cost payment from any bank accounts.

To use Tell Us Once then you have to give the death cert over.

So main aim is to let HMRC know we think there fraudulent activity with Dav Boss Build Ltd. I will let you know how easy the online form is and what questions they ask ect