Canadian Angie - @Angelica_c100

Jun 8, 2024
like i said im not arsed about being doxed im not a creator and i wouldn’t say anything to the creators faces or on my real account. Its not hard to work out who i am by my tiktok friends list
Jun 8, 2024
I'm honestly still very confused as to who was in support of EQ I've gone over the comments and can't see where this conclusion came from. I know myself personally I share other CC videos as they come on my fyp for support, I don't go looking for videos to share and others may have done the same.

At the end of the day the other thread was made to discuss Angie originally so if you saw more comments about what Angie has done instead of what Eq did maybe that's the reason.

I dunno... this is all wild. We all have different opinions, we aren't a collective.

mean girls bake a cake GIF

i get what your saying. I was proper pissed off with what EQ said and i still am. I just feel that EQ said what she did and loads of people were saying “well angies said this and pearls been that” so did feel like everything was being deflected. I came on this thread purely because i had basically fallen out with everybody on the angie one. I didn’t come in and s anybody off, i don’t know anybody on here so was best i left that thread


Apr 6, 2024
Marks & Sparks
I don’t think I ran over here being victimised. I also I don’t know why you all care if my opinion differs to yours on internet discourse Disagreeing and manipulating isn’t the same thing. I think I’m better than arguing online if that’s what u mean

but I’m not reminding anyone of anything lol

My opinion as you’re giving yours is it’s odd to be wasting time on all this and coming in like it’s Stalinist Russia.

Sorry deadwood / pepper bell I’ve committed another debacle off I go 🫠

I was busy writing a post, as you do and I hit POST REPLY. Then I saw a wave of posts out of nowhere from names you would typically find in Delusives thread. I was thinking, who sent for you? I had to do a quick double take. In a panic I deleted the post because I thought I made the post in the wrong thread. INSANE.

was this a pearl harbour moment? do we call for reinforcements? back up? like wtf? thoughts ran WILD.

Deleted member 4387

New member
Jun 9, 2024
west london
Notice how you asked people to stop coming at you Chunky fact pig and they have?

That's the manners people expected from you when you were asked to stop bullying other members of the thread.
Feb 28, 2024
I was busy writing a post, as you do and I hit POST REPLY. Then I saw a wave of posts out of nowhere from names you would typically find in Delusives thread. I was thinking, who sent for you? I had to do a quick double take. In a panic I deleted the post because I thought I made the post in the wrong thread. INSANE.

was this a pearl harbour moment? do we call for reinforcements? back up? like wtf? thoughts ran WILD.
Like a tornado. Over before it began. Did it happen? At least I didn’t buy the prada bag.

I also thought same “omg what have I DONE”.

I watched the Mauritanian last night, somehow I’m finding comparisons to draw.
Feb 28, 2024
Notice how you asked people to stop coming at you Chunky fact pig and they have?

That's the manners people expected from you when you were asked to stop bullying other members of the thread.
I mean seriously. A new account to chastise someone inlines manners? lol I think it’s reached Fish Wives level of silly🤣
Feb 28, 2024
I was busy writing a post, as you do and I hit POST REPLY. Then I saw a wave of posts out of nowhere from names you would typically find in Delusives thread. I was thinking, who sent for you? I had to do a quick double take. In a panic I deleted the post because I thought I made the post in the wrong thread. INSANE.

was this a pearl harbour moment? do we call for reinforcements? back up? like wtf? thoughts ran WILD.
Real question - did deadwood get blown away in the furore


Apr 6, 2024
Marks & Sparks
I cannot argue with strangers on the internet about such trifling nonsense. Let’s be real and just carry on as we all were at approx 11.30am

The prada bag which I was about to discuss
The second one is prob not real but I kind of dont care.

I actually related it to Canangie as I think she is the kind of person that buys handbags (if she’s rich)
is there a second picture? I see just one

Canadian Angie is Italian. Italians are well known for their style and fashion. I wonder what her bag collection looks like ?
Feb 28, 2024
Your holier-than-thou yet 'I have no idea what I've done wrong' approach is what is silly. In the other thread you relentlessly went for someone, was asked to stop and then 'flounced' off.
Relentless? I have no idea why anyone cares, I know they say I “bullied” - I disagree. Misinterpretation (again) of my use of language. Hence deciding best to end commenting in that thread.

And genuine question not being facetious: Why are you and another making new profile to comment this? It’s really completely unimportant.
Feb 28, 2024
I made this account on the 2nd of June and just havnt commented anything. I didn't go out of my way to make an account just to comment this.

My use of language is appropriate for how I interpreted your interaction.

I originally came here to see if other people were talking about CA.
You misunderstood my reply. You misunderstood my use of language. We disagree. The end.

And must be a coincidence as I’ve had a telling off from 2 brand new accounts over online nonsense. Hopefully you’ll move on from my manners xx
