Chronically Kiki - England's Gypsy Rose


Nov 11, 2023
I have recently come across an awareness live on Chronically Kiki.

Just wondering if there is anyone here who has been watching her on Tiktok?

I understand she has also used Facebook & Instagram.

She is putting out false information about health conditions. I also understand that she has been scamming people too.

If you have any information about this 25yr old lady, please comment on this thread.

Thank you

up in the clouds

New member
Jul 31, 2024
I’ve been watching chronickiki since she was saying she was on palliative care which was quite a while ago. I’m really concerned she’s going to cause harm to herself or someone else with the information she comes out with and the things she does to herself online. I understand it’s a fictitious disorder and on some level she genuinely believes she’s unwell and at first I felt for her parents because they must be in an awkward position seeing their daughter like this and not wanted to have her committed if it’s going to make her worse or she threatens that it’ll make her worse and she’ll do something to herself but her dad is very clearly enabling her delusions at this point which is not only harmful to his daughter but harmful and insulting to the disabled community that is literally having to deal with the things she claims to have. Seeing her access her supposed central line with gloves pulled from a box and covered in snot makes me cringe every time. I hope anyone who has a central line at home never takes advice from her.


New member
Jul 30, 2024
She’s also always begging for money off people who are very ill then blocking them when they ask for it back and her step dad is just as bad as her


New member
Jul 30, 2024
I came across this girl on my fyp, it was an account that was trying to expose her and her lies, I became curious about it and decided to follow her so that I could see for myself, she doesn’t really do much apart from sit there all day administering meds into herself via her tubing which she doesn’t need, she put them in herself has bought various tubes, pumps, feeds etc online, she’s manipulated so many people including her mods, they truly believe that she is sick and she has all these chronic illnesses which she doesn’t, I’m not saying that she’s not sick but she’s definitely not as sick as what she makes out, she’s very mentally ill and needs help, her dad is just as bad as he’s encouraging her behaviour and won’t do anything to stop it, apparently there was a plan in place for him to get her off TikTok but he’s not following through with it and I have no idea why, I’ve never seen her Mum. I don’t think she wants any part of it


Nov 11, 2023
Kiki is currently live. Apparently, she has been in hospital for 3 days. Anyone watching her?
Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
I found her on my fyp,it was actually a video of someone who is paralysed getting from their wheelchair and into bed.they had a video of Kiki side by side,you can clearly see Kiki moving her legs indefinitely. I’ve never come across someone as bad as her. She needs professional help and so does her Dad and anyone else encouraging her


Feb 28, 2024
Angies attic
She's recently been pestering a grieving mother for her sons medical supplies pretty much as soon as he passed. She's a sick individual (and I don't mean in a chronic illness way) that shouldn't be on the app, the fact her father enables her is even worse