Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


Mar 17, 2024
Gone over to Tams as want to see her get angry 🤣🤣
I hope she's been reading in here, she'll be raging 😤
angry episode 15 GIF
Feb 28, 2024
I’m sorry, but you’re a liar. Don’t try school me on what EDS is, I’ve had to learn more than the doctors know about it because I’m quite a complex and severe case. But to you people like that are just malingerers.

You are talking so much s, you’ve over fertilised the thread.

I’m not discussing whatever you and Medusa are speaking of as she kindly asked no one else to get involved.

Just know I’m onto you, there’s something extremely weird and off.
I am absoltely not lying, you just think that I am, that is not the same thing.
I dont really care if you are 'on to me'? what are you going to do lol. oh no 2 pumps doesnt like me. I dont know why youre so OTT about me, but as you are being so consistently rude - i saw you say 'all I want to do is get involved in fights' which I think actually says something quite sad and strange about you. The behaviour of some of you here is like its a school playground, with enemies and favourites. and I am not referring to false teeth here as she doesnt come across at all the saem.

And medusa I never mentioned doxing once, and you then said 'so if I was that sick or twisted to dox you I would have done it ages ago' - i never once accused you of doing it either so I dont know why you said that. i would never dox you and you would never dox me!! we both know that so I dont see why it needs to be repeated, especially online!

To say all this publically is only going to make people dislike me (big chonky) which I wouldnt do to someone I know, or someone I dont know. its fairly reasonable to feel the need and desire to leave this forum, based on that.
Nov 10, 2023
Anyone know where the Tam racism vids have been posted ? Zavvis brother Roadman has just been in Taurains saying he’s not seen anything he says he only watches things he’s been tagged in.
So imma tag him in it all.
Roadmantorealman if you find it before me ! And tag Zavvi in it too if you find it xxx please xx
They all get taken down that’s why he isn’t tagged in them. Would he come look on here?
Mar 18, 2024
united kingdom
@Patty B please send it 👏 people like that don't deserve to work and protect the public! Imagine being a member of the public and seeing a PCSO, special constable, police officer, criminologist, prison officer calling someone that, behaving how she has and they are meant to follow codes of ethics from the college of policing? 😡
This is why she has no chance. She keeps going and just doesn’t give in, the videos are online and unfortunately for her, she’s loved being involved. Oh dear tam