Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Apr 10, 2024
🤣🤣🤣🤣 i know, right?! This is the most intelligent conversations with adults that I have ever had!!
Enlighten us then, oh ye of galaxy brain I.Q. pray tell what qualifies as an intellectual conversation by your definition?
Should we all take notes from you on how to converse? A person that has frequently gone back and forth on using the third person in previous posts and uses exclamation marks AFTER a question mark? (Note, when you wish to use those two it is done like this; !?)

Please do go on and on and on about yourself and your superiority whilst demeaning the members of this particular thread on cc by accusing them of that very thing, I can clearly see that your ego is not at all over inflated (in case you need a clue - that's sarcasm.)

I would hazard a guess that you're exceptionally lonely right now, did you fall out with some friends? Are you blaming us for that? Maybe instead of directing your utterly futile and inept attempts at 'trolling' here you should focus them on actual putas on TT, do you think that would be more productive? I certainly do.
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
On Fire GIF


Feb 29, 2024
I absolutely love it, but you ain't no troll bless your big compression socks, at least you tried eh. How's about go sit on a live and b about us. 😉
Gotta love the I'll go live tomorrow and make up s ,but I'm gonna say it here that I'm making up s so it will get screenshotted to prove he's talking out of his arse yet again! Zac let me spell this out to you so very politely. And hopefully you'll understand....if not I'm sure your wife could help you with the big words.
No matter how much you try and clout chase you will never be big on TT .there are big creators on TT who have no issue with CC and just find it funny. They also have the platform to make you look even more stupid than you actually are. Now I'm off to bed as unlike you I actually have a job

Hypocrite CC

Jun 28, 2024
Goodnight my weird little friends! I know this may seem odd to you, but people in the real world have responsibilities 😲 I know this is a huge shock. I am sorry to break this to you all. I'm trying to be cruel to be kind my little goblins. I mean, trolls! Xxx
Mar 10, 2024
Goodnight my weird little friends! I know this may seem odd to you, but people in the real world have responsibilities 😲 I know this is a huge shock. I am sorry to break this to you all. I'm trying to be cruel to be kind my little goblins. I mean, trolls! Xxx
You're really rude to come into the forum and (fail) at winding us up. But you shouldn't call people names on the internet, you could set them off. trying to be cruel to be kind xxx
Goodnight my weird little friends! I know this may seem odd to you, but people in the real world have responsibilities 😲 I know this is a huge shock. I am sorry to break this to you all. I'm trying to be cruel to be kind my little goblins. I mean, trolls! Xxx
Just so you know I'm not crate trained I'm going to s in your shoes, chew your sofa up and piss in your wardrobe, we also by law have to be micro chipped so if you could kindly let me know when my vet appointment is i can make sure i dont have work that be great 👍