Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Mar 15, 2024
Tik tok
Her story with the house frequently changes. Last night she said her dad owned the house and because he passed he left the house to her and her mum, but previously the story was they bought the house with money they sued the hospital for. When you put it all in to context her mum said angie and her dad were lazy didn't contribute so how would he own a house also why would angie receive half and not her sister too surely all the money would go to her mum🤦🏻‍♀️
She's also said it was her sister who sued the hospital and she didn't know about it until after and her sister only got £5000.
Angies a bad liar because she forgets what she said
Apr 10, 2024

"An animal that preys on others"
(Lions, tigers, jaguars, etc)

"A person that ruthlessly exploits others; a sexual predator"
(Using tactics like manipulation, coercion, gaslighting, love bombing, DARVO to gain what they desire from their target to ultimately get what they desire)

Calling someone a predator is not the same as calling them a ped, the meanings are different yet both predators and peds can groom others to gain what they want in terms of the predator being a person.

Brigham, you are a predator, you have exhibited predatory behaviour among other toxic behaviour.

Only last night you were enabling racism and excusing it, deny that all you wish yet you can't deny the words that came out of your mouth (yet again) that I have screen recorded.
I screen recorded because I knew from your past behaviour it wouldn't be long until you said/did something abhorrent last night and you proved me right (again.)

Today you went and sat in a live with someone you know dislikes the people you had qualms (because you were in the wrong) with last night in an attempt to gain sympathy and also spread toxicity in a place you knew you would not face backlash for it.
You knew you would be supported as you spoke badly about those you felt wronged you in your deluded version of events.

You claim you're coming back, you've been making that claim for a while now - it's dull.
More and more people see through you, Brigham.

You blame others, constantly, for your words and your actions - take some accountability, you are a grown man.

Disclaimer: These are my own thoughts, opinions and observations made after witnessing the behaviour of this 'creator'.



Jun 29, 2024
Trapped in a K hole since the 80's
Sorry, but that looks more embarrassing.
There’s only one way to find out
Anticipation Popcorn GIF