Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


Feb 29, 2024
Formally NettieNewt
So her hip wasn't in its socket, and then it was broke, then it was a broken leg, now the hip is back in, all within 24 hours? I need to go to that hospital
Well, earlier when she was broadcasting her conversation with the nurse she mistakenly said ankle then changed it to hip. The hip was "snapped" yesterday by a Dr, who also ripped her muscle, and the nurse hit her... That didn't happen, in fact none of that s happened
Feb 29, 2024
The girl deserves an award for quickest recovery ever
A lady fell outside my work once and broke her hip! She couldn’t even sit up properly let alone walk! She was also on the floor for a few hours as there were no ambulances available! This ruby/Bonnie is so fed in the head! She’s already had some guy send her money and more people offering her money! At this point I think she’s addicted to pain meds and will do anything she can to have stronger meds prescribed!
Feb 29, 2024
They had 3 traumas in earlier and she's just wasting time and taking up resources. Some poor sod is probably bleeding out while she's fing about on tiktok
neck get GIF
She was in hospital last night too! She was complaining because she was put on a bed in the corridor! She’s lucky to even have a bed when there’s probably people sat in A&E in worse conditions!
Nov 10, 2023
Could you imagine big brother with Angie, Ruby and that marina (read with me) person in it. Jesus Christ they’d all be trying to one up each other on health conditions.

I can see in now Angie in the diary room -
“Ruby said she broke her hip before and it was the doctors fault, but I’ve broke both legs and arms and that was the police fault”
A lady fell outside my work once and broke her hip! She couldn’t even sit up properly let alone walk! She was also on the floor for a few hours as there were no ambulances available! This ruby/Bonnie is so fed in the head! She’s already had some guy send her money and more people offering her money! At this point I think she’s addicted to pain meds and will do anything she can to have stronger meds prescribed!
Sickening isn't it how people who genuinely are in need can't access the services they require, whilst people like her, angie, emz etc get an ambulance instantly. Ruby could have easily got a taxi to the hospital but that takes the dramatics away. I heard them offering money too her. Harsh reality is these people all know the lies she has told and wish to believe she's changed 🤦🏻‍♀️. She was moaning earlier they only gave half her usual dose off morphine if you were truely in pain you'd be greatful of anything.