Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

May 16, 2024
Btw, I'm uploading older videos I have that may (or may not) be of use to anyone who makes clip/receipt videos to my YouTube (got annoyed at the restriction size on here). Anyone is free to use if there's anything. If not, I'm just using up some space on YouTube's servers. 🤣

Some of them I am restricting to 18+ due to how fing vile Angie gets, such as when she was claiming AIDS is entirely the fault of gay men.

Or search DILLIGAFCC and my profile picture is similar to here.

I have zero organisation in my savings of screen recordings, so I'm going through them and clipping etc as I find them. 🤣 Gonna take a while, so defo won't be done soon.
I'm not allowed to upload anymore for 24 hours, so I've moved on to watching horror movies. 🤣


May 12, 2024
It was honestly actually worse than my brief description of it so I hope she doesn’t see it. Been through DV myself but a long time ago, I imagine it’s still really fresh for her. EQ is an absolute t and just when you think she can’t sink any lower, she always bloody does.
She has been smoking a vape (cannabis one not sure the name of them lol) but thats no excuse she really is just a vile excuse of a human being!! I hope she gets stopped by customs on her way home fing vile t!