Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Nov 10, 2023
Morning love

She is, but the actual bullying coming from grown ass men, some with actual violent pasts towards a woman, and another who most definitely is a misogynist who hates women, is truly sickening. One of them is also the reason Observers account is gone.

One of them looks like someone took the worlds largest Maris piper and glued it on a headless body, and called it a ‘man’

Neither of them live in the UK either.
But they’re dirty little bullies and I hope they have broccoli drinks.
If you’re in contact with her send her my best wishes and I hope she’s okay ❤️
Feb 29, 2024
Wasn't even a week ago that she was discussing Chippys DV relationship and saying how she thought it was HIM doing the DV and not his wife. Why the do would you try and defend a person that's said horrible things like that ?
I haven't forgiven Alison who used to bully me when I was 12 🤣 she tried to add me on FB 🤣 yes b I remember 🖕
Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
Morning, so when I was in hospital I saw pain management, they prescribed gabapentin and told me to take 1 3 times a day for 2-3 days then add another to it until I’m on up to 4 three times a day. I told her my gp wouldn’t agree to this as I was on it before and she just completely stopped my prescription and I had withdrawal symptoms. So after checking my discharge letter it says 1 3 times a day 😭 phoned gp on Friday and she called me this morning and said she won’t prescribe more than 1 3 times a day. Told me to phone pain management to sort it. I’m going round in circles trying to speak to someone and getting nowhere. I’m in so much pain atm but I’m doing the increase slowly as advised. I’m so frustrated 🤯