Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


Afternoon all 🤎
I deliberately stayed off here yesterday because I've been a bit touchy and short fused and I snapped at someone who didn't deserve it @PearlyK I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, I took what you were saying the wrong way...I'm a stubborn b and it takes me a lot to apologise but I'll own my s if and when im in the wrong.

I'm blaming covid, because I'm still testing positive too although from what I'm reading many of you have it a lot worse than I have.
I can finally breathe through my nose now (I no longer look like a golfish) The headaches, temp, and breathless had gone. I still have a howking cough, fatigued and my sense of taste and smell has done a runner, and zero appetite which probably isn't a bad thing because my other half is cooking tonight.

I hope everyone else is feeling better soon, because it's not nice, especially those of you that have other underlying health issues 🤎
Last edited:
Apr 10, 2024
Afternoon all 🤎
I deliberately stayed off here yesterday because I've been a bit touchy and short fused and I snapped at someone who didn't deserve it @PearlyK I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, I took what you were saying the wrong way...I'm can be a stubborn b and it takes me a lot to apologise but I'll own my s if and when im in the wrong.

I'm blaming covid, because I'm still testing positive too although from what I'm reading many of you have it a lot worse than I have.
I can finally breathe through my nose now (I no longer look like a golfish) The headaches, temp, and breathless had gone. I still have a howking cough, fatigued and my sense of taste and smell has done a runner, and zero appetite which probably isn't a bad thing because my other half is cooking tonight.

I hope everyone else is feeling better soon, because it's not nice, especially those of you that have other underlying health issues 🤎
Hope you feel much better soon 🤎❤️🤎❤️

The Narrative

May 19, 2024
No mazekeen it is sorry
The daily beef these women have with each other is beyond boring now. The same issues hashed out day after day. They need to get some real life friends and have a fing laugh for once. If they call each other friends id hate them to be my enemies.

And sorry Manda but you really are dragging this out and gaining attention from it. Absolute melt that woman.
Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
@Zias false teeth how can you say I’m worse than you 😭😭😭😂😂 jeez they were picking on me
Big Brother Omg GIF by Global TV
Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
It’s s, spent £112 on 2 new tyres today, I am trying to cut down on sugar as I think it’s making me sick, I keep waking up overheating as I am cold before I fall asleep and wear winter pjs and I keep putting my car keys somewhere I can’t find them. Hope you’re well you crazy bean ❤️❤️
What a day 😭 necessary expenses absolutely suck arse and are never on fun items but good to be safe luv 💀 sugar withdrawal is no joke, keep at it - first few weeks is the toughest 😅 the night sweats might be from removing sugar 🤔 good to see you luv 👹🩵