Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
Afternoon my dear poppets 🩵 I hope you’re all ok after an eventful and emotional evening, been thinking of you all ☺️

@Miss Baguette 🥖 you’ve been on my mind a lot lately luv. You’re a focus and target for Angela (and now Pearl) and she is a dog with a bone. I’m worried you’re putting a target on your back and I just want you to take a moment to please check all your information online is locked down, two factored and safe.

What you do with your voice and platform, is very important and keeps creators accountable. Please know I’m not dismissing that but I see the consequences and risks that can come with this level of heat. I’m sorry for nagging but I have been genuinely concerned 😟

Said with love 🩵


Mar 6, 2024
In my cauldron
4 years is a big difference in terms of mental cognition and conditioning.
It also grinds my gears when people say “we was all doing it at that age and if you say you didn’t your a liar”
Firstly just cos some teenagers where in that position it doesn’t mean we should be encouraging it to the teenagers of today. I got myself into some situation when I was a teenager that could have been very dangerous, don’t want to say too much and dox myself (although some people do know who I am) and I can guarantee that half of these women on TikTok who do endorse it, wouldn’t do it with their own kids. They just want to be part of the group most talked about for exposure.
I hear you! I was a teen parent, and where I have no shame, it’s definitely not what I wanted for my 2, and talked about things earlier with them. My eldest is 36, and been with her husband since they were both 14. She was older when she had her first. Both my girls have excellent careers and thankfully are happy and successful in life.

I did some ridiculous things, putting myself in danger when I was young, a lot of my friend circle from then are sadly no longer with us, as they stayed on the path I jumped off. None of these things are what I’d want for my family, and I don’t and never have done the “we all did it” I use my examples if needed as a severe warning.
Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
Hi everyone. Sorry i left the live in such a way the other day. I'm not a person that lets things get to me very easily. I'm a hard face b and the s in my life has certainly contributed to that. I'm disappointed in my self tbh but the stuff being discussed really pushed me over. I had a good cry and slept the rest of the day.

Since then my Mam has been admitted to hospital after a heart attack so I'm still feeling fragile. However I need and distraction and ranting in here usually makes me feel better plus the way you all make me howl laughing.

Thankyou to those that have reached out to me. Much appreciated. I hope your all doing ok ❤🤎

Oh luv 😞 I saw replies to you and had no idea what had happened, I couldn’t see anything in here but I didn’t want to pry. I’m so sorry to read this and for all you’re going through. Wishing the speediest of recoveries to your Mum 🫂

It took me many a year and therapist to realise, we sometimes experience inappropriate emotions. Just because we feel a certain emotion, it doesn’t mean it’s appropriately ours. That emotion can be triggered by many things (environmental/biological) but it doesn’t mean we house or accept it. That disappointment you’re feeling is an example of that ❤️‍🩹

We’re here to have ss and giggles with but more than that, to be a shoulder too 🩵


Feb 28, 2024

Kicking off at the police station
Idiots. Their collar number is their associated and allocated number to be identified by. Only admin and clerk positions wear lanyards as well. The police have no jurisdiction over other governmental positions or securities and any cases reported has an allocated officer and leading investigator. 🤦‍♂️


Dec 21, 2023
@Miss Baguette 🥖 I havnt been on all day but apparently Pearl and Angie have cracked who you are.

Hot Shots Idiot GIF