Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Nov 28, 2023
West Yorkshire
They should search slaghter houses and get knowledge on how animals are slaughtered. Or the poor heffas and dairy cows and what happens to the male calfs at a day old. I take it they are saying its cruel. All animals that we eat are creuly killed there is no nice way. This is all coming from a meat eater. I wish I was a vegan but I do like meat 🥺
I'm vegetarian. I can't be vegan because vegan cheese is wank in my opinion 🤮
May 16, 2024
There’s a recent law where animals slaughtered the halal way are to be stunned beforehand. I mean, if you’re that concerned for how meat is slaughtered maybe consider being veteran because either way it’s not nice to think of (not you, the thick people who scream about halal meat)
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Feb 29, 2024
There’s a recent law where animals slaughtered the halal way are to be stunned beforehand. I mean, if you’re that concerned for how meat is slaughtered maybe consider being veteran because either way it’s not nice to think of (not you, the thick people who scream about halal meat)
100% correct, they can't have a chat without having someone in the box that knows about halal meat. I've only know about dairy cows the last 10 years and have oat milk now. We can all learn about things, but when your not prepared to listen its pointless
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
I hope they eat their English food only and never have to visit a doctor who wasn’t born here or potentially have their life saved by a surgeon that isn’t white. fing idiots
Someone was in the comments of the Tommy Robinson protest telling everyone they best not order a curry from him ever again 😭😭
May 16, 2024
100% correct, they can't have a chat without having someone in the box that knows about halal meat. I've only know about dairy cows the last 10 years and have oat milk now. We can all learn about things, but when your not prepared to listen its pointless
Angie once had a boyfriend who had an ex-girlfriend who's mother's friend's friend's cousin once dated a man who knew a person 3 towns over whose sister said halal is bad, so she's educated on it thanks.
May 16, 2024
Randy Roofer is stupid for revealing who is going into the house when it's still weeks away. But I'm here for the arguments about how it's a fix leading up to it 🍿
The worst outcome for me would be them all getting on inside the house and coming out with solid friendships, which don't seem to last long in the world of TikTok anyway 🤣
If he can't even keep his gob shut until Friday to reveal s then it's destined to be an absolute farce.

The downfall has begun before they've even got the keys. 🤣
Nov 28, 2023
West Yorkshire
If he can't even keep his gob shut until Friday to reveal s then it's destined to be an absolute farce.

The downfall has begun before they've even got the keys. 🤣
I'm so happy I have the week off 🍿
I did have to go in for a team meeting today, and was stamping my feet about it, but I got employee of the month so skipped out 🤣

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