Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


Mar 8, 2024
To be honest, I'd need more information before having a proper opinion on it. I don't think calling a black woman a black sheep is inherently racist, but it all comes down to context, personal history etc etc. I just don't know and the only thing I watched from the night (at the time) was clips of Laura dancing with Tasha.

It seems that so much that we say in day-to-day can be construed as racist/hate speech and a lot of it I would never have even considered such before tiktok. I don't know if it falls under unconscious racism or if people sometimes are reaching. I don't know. I feel like the older I get, the less I know. All I do know is if I say something and someone else tells me it offends them, and I don't think they're a t, then all I can do is listen, apologise and try to do better going forward. 🤷‍♂️
It’s not like running up to someone and calling them the N word, but it’s referring to someone’s skin colour when there’s so many other things you can say.

What offends one, wouldn’t offend another. I don’t think tash is a raving racist, I just think she could have chosen better words. Watching it, because she’s speaking about SS at the time, it seems as though that’s aimed towards her, along with the whagwan, the I don’t care I’ve had enough and her friends face. I also don’t think SS etc have been very nice to her either, and I have seen clips of people coming for tasha’s kids who are mixed race and speaking on their hair etc which isn’t right.


Mar 8, 2024
To be honest, I'd need more information before having a proper opinion on it. I don't think calling a black woman a black sheep is inherently racist, but it all comes down to context, personal history etc etc. I just don't know and the only thing I watched from the night (at the time) was clips of Laura dancing with Tasha.

It seems that so much that we say in day-to-day can be construed as racist/hate speech and a lot of it I would never have even considered such before tiktok. I don't know if it falls under unconscious racism or if people sometimes are reaching. I don't know. I feel like the older I get, the less I know. All I do know is if I say something and someone else tells me it offends them, and I don't think they're a t, then all I can do is listen, apologise and try to do better going forward. 🤷‍♂️
And social media apps like TikTok are super sensitive to everything, especially if people have fallen out they want to pick up on every little thing, that wouldn’t happen in real life
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
Why did Mabel advise Alex to go to the police if he hasn't saw anything?

These people cannot vouch for a stranger online. Alex is a semi faceless stranger.

It's went from he saw a channel in a server, to he saw a full server dedicated to it, to never seeing anything, to being set up, then it was a rumour, that it was adults bodies and kids faces.

My thoughts are Alex has saw something, and he's bragged about seeing it so people take his word for how bad these servers are and now he's back tracking.

I believe the reason felicity was so hysterical is because he told her, her child was doxed in a server where he saw "cp".

He's said too much s and got himself backed into a corner.
Feb 29, 2024
Waffle waffle
Does anyone follow Sam Walker, he's rescued an injured dog off the streets 🥹
I can't watch him all I see is teeth and hear him grunting
Teeth Toy GIF
Jun 22, 2024
grimsby takeaway
I know me and Judas seem to have similar opinions all the time, i hate it cause it looks weird but genuinely, there’s something weird bout this.

Also, why is Alex so friendly with Kat and defends her over the PLM s? Kazzy played very damning voice notes or a call between her and Kat and there’s no denying kat was so deep in that s. Is that public or have you guys not heard it because I sneaked into the clapper? I need someone to put them recordings up. Alex is dodgy in some way, I want to get to the bottom of it. Kat is a start!
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
And I'm not saying Alex is a pedophile or Alex has that material on his phone. I'm saying his story is inconsistent, everyone's involved is. It keeps changing and I think it's because they are all fully aware that this is going on somewhere, they've saw it or he's told them and they've all kept it quiet because they don't want their names dragged through the mud. Well it's happening. Cause I feel strongly about the subject 🙂


Mar 6, 2024
In my cauldron
Why did Mabel advise Alex to go to the police if he hasn't saw anything?

These people cannot vouch for a stranger online. Alex is a semi faceless stranger.

It's went from he saw a channel in a server, to he saw a full server dedicated to it, to never seeing anything, to being set up, then it was a rumour, that it was adults bodies and kids faces.

My thoughts are Alex has saw something, and he's bragged about seeing it so people take his word for how bad these servers are and now he's back tracking.

I believe the reason felicity was so hysterical is because he told her, her child was doxed in a server where he saw "cp".

He's said too much s and got himself backed into a corner.
I agree completely, and putting a child’s face, on an adults body (if it’s sexual) is still illegal, and disgusting on every level.

He’s made too many excuses, switched up his stories too many times, he’s a creep.
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
I agree completely, and putting a child’s face, on an adults body (if it’s sexual) is still illegal, and disgusting on every level.

He’s made too many excuses, switched up his stories too many times, he’s a creep.
Yup, people keep coming back to oh but Barry. Yeah we get it Barry made an inappropriate sick comment about young girls. Alex made comments about young children being sexually abused but he's a good guy and they can 100% vouch for that? How? Because they have him on WhatsApp and have saw his chode?