Her face hurts my eyesHer voice is actually hurting my ears
Friendly Fire
YeahHome Bargains did you say?
I want top girl to play the clip ffs!I dont like topgirl but that 'ok mrs online degree' line was funny as do
They dont get "dropped" they get NFA'ed or closed under outcome 16 when there's no further actions i.e the victim doesn't provide further evidence etc. Investigations like this take months, my report with my girlfriend about her kidnapping her niece is still pending and once its been finalised through the CPS which every report has to then the officer will contact us, either to close it, NFA it or for further statements etc, sometimes officer don't pass on the information to the victims etc but thats why any query just to chase upTam said the other day it had all been dropped
In an ideal world this would be the case, I said the same thing yesterday when Jeepers parenting/children were mentioned. Kids should be off limits if you have a problem with someone then go for them, their lack of morals and characters- Leave kids alone. And I have the same views about people's loved ones who have passed.I can't be the only one who's sick of people attacking others parenting or children, I joke about @Alicia looking after her childwen and I use the w instead of r to sound like piss head , I don't know Alicia personally but they're only using children now because they know she's built up a protective wall around them using her mum. It's just bizarre that these middle aged women can find the time to slate someone's parenting when they spend a bit of time online. My boys are a bit older now but I never smothered them, they'd of hated me for it , kids want to be kids without parents watching every single move they make , they're old enough to brush their teeth or take their own socks off ffs. Maybe it's the heat getting to me but kids should always be out of bounds.
They are cushions 🫣Are they ghostie hats?