Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


Mar 8, 2024

The internet really has changed so much. Ignorance really was bliss in terms of being able to have a childhood. Now there's wrong uns everywhere, kids don't want to put the iPad down, and if a kid is out being a kid they're photographed and shamed on social media. It's devastating, tbh. ☹️
My fb always has people in community groups going mad over kids playing knock and bolt like they never did that! They want kids to be seen and not heard but I want kids to be kids!
Feb 29, 2024
I don’t normally disagree with you but I don’t trust ss either.

I'm not sure if you've watched the uncover documentary called whistle-blower, I had my eyes well and truly opened.
Same here, unfortunately they haven't changed much since I was a child
Sorry Marshy, I know little bits from what you've shared on here. 🤎🤎
Social services are corrupt and I wish people would watch the whistle blower if they don't believe it. Sending you hugs 🫂
I had 13 SW by the time I was about 8 years old. Don't get me wrong I had one very good SW who used to take me to see my Dad who lived over 2 hrs away from me. I find it very difficult to understand why they get paid thousands once a child gets adopted. It doesn't sit well with me at all. I haven't seen the whistle blower have you a link please? I've heard parents having to do courses but some courses they can't get in the area they live. And as for closed family courts grrrrr 😡


Apr 6, 2024
Marks & Sparks
Chester going all in

harry potter drinking GIF