Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


All of these people sitting in boxes defending a big creator because he comes across as a saint on the app should be ashamed and i hope it never happens to their daughter or loved one.

Just because a girl has had multiple sexual partners or hasn't gone to the police, doesn't mean she is lying. yes she's going to be less believable if she's done it before but it still doesn't mean it 100% didn't happen.

As for Jc, no man should ever be falsely accused of raping someone, it can ruin you, your family, and it can destroy your whole future because s sticks.

However, it's not the first time Jc has been known for threatening women, just last year one woman left the app for 6mth because her and her child were threatened and another woman ended up having a breakdown because she was severely bullied by the same man. (I'm going to make it clear it had nothing to do with anything sexual but they were silenced)

All I'm saying is be careful who you believe and who you blame without fully knowing what someone is truly like.

Again, I'm not saying Jc is guilty or the girl is lying, I just think people are quick to defend whoever they support on here blindly, no one knows who the real victim is it should be kept off the app and shame on these bunch of idiots for using something so sensitive for clout.
Apr 7, 2024
And also let's not forget the men that make money off gifts on TikTok pray on women no ifs or butts about it, do they care if they are vunerable or taking food out of kids mouths, absolutely not, no fs given, TikTok take 70% got to be a certain type of scumbag to do that, so I do not give a flying do about any of them, I do believe in karma though, this is not me saying he is guilty it's just a reminder of what type of men they are.
Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
I’m not even watching The cesspit,just makes my blood pressure rise
Blood Pressure Humour GIF by France tv


Mar 6, 2024
In my cauldron
Honestly, seeing what’s been said in here via screenshots is enough for me. I can’t go and listen and watch. I’d rather be wrong and believe a victim than victim shame.

So because he’s good looking etc he can’t be guilty? do off, the 2 involved in SAing me, were 2 of the lads all the girls wanted, everyone fancied them. They were still violent sexual predators 🤬 they hospitalised me, left me needing a blood transfusion, but nah must have been my own fault 😢 seriously this has been very triggering and it’s good to see you guys all on the side of the potential victim.

Thank you all for being the amazing people you all are, with strong morals and that need to protect.
Feb 29, 2024
I'm fing shocked!!! Hasn't Angie got any fing morrals!!! Many police statements on FB have warned people regarding their comments to be carful if it's an active case! But no Angie can fing talk about a!! Everyone liked Jimmy Savile as people thought he was a nice man!!! How dare they sit and judge regarding who's right and who's wrong!!! One day Angie will question the wrong person and get a good punch in the face!
Feb 29, 2024
Honestly, seeing what’s been said in here via screenshots is enough for me. I can’t go and listen and watch. I’d rather be wrong and believe a victim than victim shame.

So because he’s good looking etc he can’t be guilty? do off, the 2 involved in SAing me, were 2 of the lads all the girls wanted, everyone fancied them. They were still violent sexual predators 🤬 they hospitalised me, left me needing a blood transfusion, but nah must have been my own fault 😢 seriously this has been very triggering and it’s good to see you guys all on the side of the potential victim.

Thank you all for being the amazing people you all are, with strong morals and that need to protect.
Bless you hun ❤️ I hear you x
Feb 29, 2024
Waffle waffle
Watching Angie's, she's attempting to do the FYP and showing a clip of JC.

He's just said 'Id never do something that stupid' (in reference to the a allegations)

Really stuck out to me, what an odd turn of phrase. Of all the ways I could describe a 'stupid' wouldn't be the first. 👀
Also in his vid he says 'she says I've not done what I've done'
To me that means he has 🤔