Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

CLAs Fish Pie

Apr 7, 2024
Somewhere only I Know
I'm gonna get a heart me from you one day fish pie I can feel it 😂😂👋👋💗💗
Oh that mind game won't work on me

green m&m GIF
Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
I don’t think I’ve ever played this with you luvs, let’s play Genie 🧞‍♂️

You have three wishes only
You can’t wish for more wishes
You can’t wish anyone dead (I know, buzzkill)
You can’t wish anyone back to life
You can’t wish someone to fall in love
You can’t play Miss World (world peace etc)

My wishes:

🔮 Be able to teleport anywhere, anytime
🐕 Communicate with animals
💸 Generational wealth for myself/those I love*

*Oh no, I just bought TikTok 😌
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
I’ve messaged 1 of Sam walkers mods to tell him to feed Faith raw tripe if possible,the weight will pile on her fast with it
It's not advisable for malnourished animals or people to gain weight fast. It can actually have a negative impact on her to go from starvation to being fed too much, too fast. Little meals often and a slow steady weight gain is the goal.


I can't cope with all the women typing 'Justice for JC / I stand with JC / #TeamJC🩵

Its so childish, inappropriate and proper weird, it just trivialises the whole situation.
I've avoided the whole thing and i deliberately went off here yesterday because there's so much i want to say about it but i am then no better than the people who are talking about it.

No one knows the whole truth yet the poor girl is being thrown to the wolves and JC is Still on here (despite saying he's taking a break because his mh is bad) he's still trying to get everyone to side with him  behind the scenes, which is working.

Where's the girls support in all of this?, no where...Because ignorant biased bitches and bastards are supporting someone so blindly without even knowing what that person is like.

It should never have been brought to the app, because vultures are now using it as an easy way to gain clout.

I repeat, I'm not saying Jc is guilty, but no one has given her the opportunity to tell her side, because jc asked her to keep it off the app and to not say anything (yet again he's in control) if people can't see how wrong it is then I genuinely worry for any victim speaking out.

I hope someone has reached out to check on the girl because Jc has a hell of a lot of support and who knows what she's going through, regardless of who is the real victim is.

No means- NO!!

I'm off to cook dinner before I say things I can't take back.

I hope everyone is ok 🤎
Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
It's not advisable for malnourished animals or people to gain weight fast. It can actually have a negative impact on her to go from starvation to being fed too much, too fast. Little meals often and a slow steady weight gain is the goal.
I do know that but even in small amounts of tripe and she will gain weight better than feeding her cake the majority of the time. He’s only restarted feeding her chicken and this morning some sardines.
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
I do know that but even in small amounts of tripe and she will gain weight better than feeding her cake the majority of the time. He’s only restarted feeding her chicken and this morning some sardines.
Did you add me to your ignored list 😂😂, cause I can't quote you and it tells you now. If someone's ignoring you they can't see you either 💀