Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Feb 29, 2024
sums up her little groupies 🤬never laid a finger on my kids and never shout at them. I don’t listen anymore if someone shouts at me, i listen more if people talk and i apply the same to my kids. They are 22, 19 and 17 now and i’ll call them arseholes in a non shouty way 🤣
My 3 have 5 years between them, it was madness at times 🤣 some lovely old dear at group told me how to bring up my grandson 😡 bit my lip and said nothing. 2 weeks later she asked for advice to stop her sausage dog eating the sofa 🤣🤣🤣
Feb 29, 2024
This morning she was acting like she was on the packet.

dave chappelle tyrone biggums GIF
That's why she repeats her self every day 🤣🤣


Mar 6, 2024
In my cauldron
Not sure I believe that's a 6 stone. 🤥

82 pounds is a HUGE loss. Even for someone morbidly obese I would have thought it was so much more recognisable.

Tbh fair play to her for trying a diet most people he size opt straight for the surgery route.

Unrelated but kinda related for any trashy TV fans... 100lbs sisters is coming back in October for a new season. 🍿

Ohh did you see that the one with kids was arrested for drugs & child endangerment x