Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Mar 10, 2024
Don't like her. Why?
a long time reader, first time caller would know to answer this way
illyana9 giphyupload GIF
Nervous Kelly Rowland GIF
May 16, 2024
I've not seen my stalker cat since Wednesday night. The holidaying neighbour is now back & hasn't seen their cat, either. I've now decided the nutty neighbour has locked her in her flat. I have no proof, but I am a tiktok trained detective so we know this is 100%, stonewall, swear on family members lives type fact.

(But seriously I hope the cat is ok and is actually off having a sulk and isn't a hostage.)
Mar 15, 2024
Tik tok
I used to like SS and I’ve had her back a few times, but the more I’ve sat back and watched and listened to what other people have had to say about her the more I see right threw the t. She’s always in with the wrong side and you are 💯 right about the way she speaks to her viewers, no wonder her numbers are dropping.
Same, I supported her quite a bit on my other account when she was getting booted from every live or slagged off, not now. She's a clout hungry wannabe.


Feb 28, 2024
Spying in your lives on my real account
I just can’t with these two. Not going to say anything else.
I’m with you on this one.
I don’t like them or agree with anything they do and that’s all I’m going to say.

No wait one more thing, the day in the hospital when he got everyone in the live involved with being outraged because they wanted to move the child to a ward because they needed the single room. Especially when the doctors had already said she could go home but they wanted her to say in the hospital. Now Darren really pissed me off with that situation.
Now I promise I’m not gonna say another thing cos I know this is gonna be taken with outrage by people who read in here. But I’m entitled to my opinion. If anyone has a problem with it, my DMs are open on TikTok, here’s my @ if you need it sourcherriescommcafe
But don’t expect me to bow down to you or play nice, so dm me at your own risk
Mar 15, 2024
Tik tok
I was on the fence with the adam ark stuff but the no proof and them getting defensive when questioned makes me think he's just had enough and seems to be suffering with he's mental health and there a bunch of vultures
I'm no fan of his but there's just no concrete proof he's abandoned any animals etc. His MH seems rock bottom, I hope he gets help.