That was very deep but also moving at the same timeAlicia and Baggy were banging on about filters .n their live
TikTok filters have become another s trick that set unrealistic beauty standards. Like all the other bollocks in history that set standards to align with narrow ideals of attractiveness, they end up fing with perceptions of what humans actually look like. They literally do with everything from body image to evolutionary impertives.
It's such an arrogant conceit, self consuming.
"God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers"
What the do have tik tokers bought into to comfort themselves? Not fing content that creates anything beyond self aggrandisement. There's no fing beauty in most of these lives, nothing precious, nothing joyful. do all.
Je regarde moi.
Yeah, I'm fing french now