Hayley Comet

Mar 11, 2024
She used the accuse that her private details have been leake But shes bena on the app a long time.She wanted the attention she got it and now she gona ran.But its because she used her platform thinking she knew it all whena really all she had was her own opinions ana speculations.


New member
May 23, 2024
She used the accuse that her private details have been leake But shes bena on the app a long time.She wanted the attention she got it and now she gona ran.But its because she used her platform thinking she knew it all whena really all she had was her own opinions ana speculations.

I did think it was due to all the accusations she was throwing out regarding the Jay Slater case so that confirms it thank you. She will be back, she was making thousands a month just from subscribers alone, never mind all the gifts she gets. She will lay low for a few days so people worry about her then she will be back
Mar 11, 2024
Well it didnt take long for her to move onto another subject after she spoke her own “opinion” on the jay slater story. She thinks is right with everything she says and expects others to believe it as she has a “degree” in that kind of things!

Well sorry but i do not care what degree people have life isnt text book so she needs to stop lying and admit she was wrong.

She would not have bern back on tiktok as quick as she was when her “personal details” had been leaked!