They kids are an inconvenience to her unless she’s needing her views up so makes a few videos with them in,which she stated she wasn’t having them in videos anymore then boom 2 days later their back! just like Craig’s would have been an inconvenience till she got them out the way.She shoves them out the way all the time and you can tell she is looking at herself in the camera. How these followers can't see it speaks volumes. Even tik towers I like that are giving out factual info and are authentic I still don't blow smoke up there arse.
She’s not relatable & I think that’s the whole point she’s missing, you never see her cook,clean or even talk much about daily motherly duties or struggles shes just all about herself & craving attention’s of folk she doesn’t even know good or bad& wee mcgoo’s trailing at the back like a dug in the bad books. How can somebody of her age have absolutely no friends, no girls days/events/nightsout? Ps holly your belly button looks like a cats arsehole put it away hen! Ya walking red flag