James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Mar 19, 2024
Multiple surgeries after bowel cancer with TikTok videos showing him in a hospital bed to back up his claims. Sadly if true, announced that the cancer had spread with a further tumour being removed from his lung only last week that landed him in ICU (this LAST WEEK!). Launched a Go Fund Me page and was miraculously discharged from hospital. He says that he’s been so badly trolled that yesterday he announced that he’s taking a holiday and flying out for a three day break. HOW THE HELL? Well enough to fly? No. Travel insurance? Don’t make me laugh!
Check him out and tell me what you think, I don’t want to be a hard hearted Hannah 😢


Jun 4, 2024
I’ve had a really bad feeling about this guy for a while now. He goes live quite regularly and when anyone asks even normal questions about his cancer he gets very passive aggressive and rude, I don’t understand that? I found his twitter account and the last ‘like’ is a bit strange lol. The Go Fund Me situation is extremely suspicious. The whole thing is very odd to say the least.


Jun 6, 2024
Honestly I don't think it's real I think a lot of it is for drama.or attention. I believe he has chrons and that is it, please I ask you to look over all of his posts. All his hospital journey pictures are near enough reposted ones and for someone that has had as many surgeries that he had claimed he never has knew incisions on his body just the same ones he shows on every pictures. On a live he stated he had a secondary to his lung then the next he said it was his liver then he said it was his liver multiple times when someone said "oh no you have lung and liver secondaries that awful" he replied no I have lung I said liver because others said liver in the thread which confused me.
Secondly how can someone who had what three major surgeries in a week and had an ITU stay with being in a coma that was discharged on Friday then be able to jet off on holiday on the Monday?
Why are do his perforations only happen of an evening and these need fixing of a night? These never happen during the day? Also every surgery he has he has a bleed after and needs to go back to theatre to have a bleed fixed.
He stated in September the drs took biopsies of tissues they were concerned about but he only got diagnosed with cancer 5 days before Christmas but had his lung cancer diagnosed within minutes and had the surgery the next day but had to wait till February for his bowel cancer surgery to be done.

Also how is it he is never the bad guy in anything but how is it he is alone in everything his friends have all left him, his family have dumped him and they send him toxic emails even while his critically ill in hospital, he is trolled and sent hate messages daily, when he got home from hospital on Friday there was dog poop through the door, the person he went on holiday with has left him and gone home but he states he is the nicest of people and doesn't have a nasty bone in his body. To me their is a common denominator in this. If you just Google search him there are numerous news articles on him with him doing regular disappearing acts, not only that he claimed the police were banging on his door at 1.30am over an issue with a friend however this person has now passed away sadly and he was heavily in recreational medication.


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Jun 6, 2024
I’ve had a really bad feeling about this guy for a while now. He goes live quite regularly and when anyone asks even normal questions about his cancer he gets very passive aggressive and rude, I don’t understand that? I found his twitter account and the last ‘like’ is a bit strange lol. The Go Fund Me situation is extremely suspicious. The whole thing is very odd to say the least.
Funny how he has paused the gfm since 1) he flew out on holiday 2) people questioned how he was able to go on holiday after 3 major surgeries including ITU stays an a induced coma and also how the heck is he able to fly after going through so much and lastly strange that these flights and the hotel were booked for months but funny how he hadn't mentioned them and he just got home in time e.g on Friday and had been bouncing in and out of hospital all year and funny how he hasn't had one medical emergency while away? Strange that! Let's see how long until all these medical emergencies take to start again.


Jun 6, 2024
I also watched a tiktok live when he was discussing the spread of his cancer, he initially said it had metastasised to his lung on a previous post but on the live said it was his kidney, then people were confused and questioning it. How can you get that mixed up? I’m maybe being harsh
I have a screen recording of him saying liver


Jun 6, 2024
I also watched a tiktok live when he was discussing the spread of his cancer, he initially said it had metastasised to his lung on a previous post but on the live said it was his kidney, then people were confused and questioning it. How can you get that mixed up? I’m maybe being harsh
I have a screen recording of him saying liver
Multiple surgeries after bowel cancer with TikTok videos showing him in a hospital bed to back up his claims. Sadly if true, announced that the cancer had spread with a further tumour being removed from his lung only last week that landed him in ICU (this LAST WEEK!). Launched a Go Fund Me page and was miraculously discharged from hospital. He says that he’s been so badly trolled that yesterday he announced that he’s taking a holiday and flying out for a three day break. HOW THE HELL? Well enough to fly? No. Travel insurance? Don’t make me laugh!
Check him out and tell me what you think, I don’t want to be a hard hearted Hannah 😢
However the flights and hotel was booked months ago but he was able to make it home on Friday just in time to go away for Monday after spending nearly all this year in hospital. That's so lucky and incredibly fortunate not to lose that holiday especially when you looked at luxurious hotel. If he spent nearly all this year in hospital how could he be able to book a holiday especially with the state of his health! Also why open a gfm because he stayed this money was to help him get to his treatment appointments as he couldn't afford to get there but can afford to go on holiday?
However when you are undergoing treatment such as chemo and for patients undergoing dialysis they get transport or the cost or travel and parking refunded! So he wouldn't of had to pay for travel anyway.


Mar 19, 2024
So relieved and thankful that I’m not alone when I smelled that rat. It’s so wrong to feign cancer when millions are fighting for their lives and having to wait months for life saving treatment whilst this sick individual claims that he’s admitted into hospital and operated on within hours for his imaginary every setback.
The man is sick in the head, downright evil and needs to be exposed and stopped with his bullshit, his GFM page and his disregard for real cancer suffers. May he rot in hell. 😡


Jun 6, 2024
So relieved and thankful that I’m not alone when I smelled that rat. It’s so wrong to feign cancer when millions are fighting for their lives and having to wait months for life saving treatment whilst this sick individual claims that he’s admitted into hospital and operated on within hours for his imaginary every setback.
The man is sick in the head, downright evil and needs to be exposed and stopped with his bullshit, his GFM page and his disregard for real cancer suffers. May he rot in hell. 😡


Jun 6, 2024
Honestly I'm ready to take him down. I have so many screenshots and screen recordings that will show his true colours
Ive found my people 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 been thinking somethings not right!! His strange & everyone else seems to be the problem not him… cries wolf when not enough attention!
I've been searching high and low every day near enough for a page like this. I've even tried to get him on Reddit


Jun 6, 2024
Have you seen the latest tiktok post about his friend leaving him in the middle of the night on holiday alone? It’s always drama with this guy
Yep but of course he is a lovely guy and not a nasty bone in his body and can't understand why these things happen to him.
Can this guy ever go a day without drama?
Seriously some people have bad luck but this guy it seems to follow him around. I see a common denominator here and it's called James


Jun 6, 2024
Have you seen the latest tiktok post about his friend leaving him in the middle of the night on holiday alone? It’s always drama with this guy
Yep but of course he is a lovely guy and not a nasty bone in his body and can't understand why these things happen to him.
Can this guy ever go a day without drama?
Seriously some people have bad luck but this guy it seems to follow him around. I see a common denominator here and it's called James
Apologies I knew he definitely had mentioned another organ but thought it was kidney. I just thought that was very odd getting that mixed up. Surely that’s something that would stick out in your mind.
Exactly even when other people mention their secondaries you definitely know what your's is. It's not something that you say by accident when reading other people's comments especially half a dozen times


Jun 4, 2024
Yep but of course he is a lovely guy and not a nasty bone in his body and can't understand why these things happen to him.
Can this guy ever go a day without drama?
Seriously some people have bad luck but this guy it seems to follow him around. I see a common denominator here and it's called James
The way he responds to people on them tiktok lives really pisses me off. Seen people asking genuine questions and he gives sarcastic answers back or he gets very defensive…