James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 6, 2024
north West
As predicted, this is what he does when things don’t go his way and he gets caught out. How immature of him. Attention seeking at its finest. Turned off comments too so his inbox can fill up with the gullible ones asking him to come back. It was predicted further up, he is even taking his ideas from us now 😂😂 not only now making a mockery of cancer but also mental health.
He has done this on facebook loads of times I heard. He has been caught out and he knows it so doesn’t know what to do now. He is also rumbled to dwp and hmc for fraud of benefits by not declaring his gfm or tiktok earnings.
Querty, tell us more! I know he is known in his area for being wrong and nobody can tolerate him. Let’s be honest, it takes a LOT for a parent to turn their back on their own child, especially one who is ‘apparently’ suffering with Stage 2/4 lung/liver (as he cant decide on that) cancer. For every single family member to do that then there is a lot more to it and he has obviously done a lot of bad. But we know that anyway.


Jun 11, 2024
As predicted, this is what he does when things don’t go his way and he gets caught out. How immature of him. Attention seeking at its finest. Turned off comments too so his inbox can fill up with the gullible ones asking him to come back. It was predicted further up, he is even taking his ideas from us now 😂😂 not only now making a mockery of cancer but also mental health.
He has done this on facebook loads of times I heard. He has been caught out and he knows it so doesn’t know what to do now. He is also rumbled to dwp and hmc for fraud of benefits by not declaring his gfm or tiktok earnings.
Querty, tell us more! I know he is known in his area for being wrong and nobody can tolerate him. Let’s be honest, it takes a LOT for a parent to turn their back on their own child, especially one who is ‘apparently’ suffering with Stage 2/4 lung/liver (as he cant decide on that) cancer. For every single family member to do that then there is a lot more to it and he has obviously done a lot of bad. But we know that anyway.
Sad how many people will believe it though. He won’t do anything he will be sat there waiting for the attention to roll in. Sorry isn’t good enough for the amount he’s lied about. Vile human


Jun 12, 2024
So glad I found this page as I couldn’t comment on the tattle page and been searching! Came across him and as someone who has several complex health issues and spent a lot of time in hospital over the years immediately noticed something not right! Claiming all thes surgerys and emergencies you wouldn’t be going on on holiday you can barely stand up straight a week after major abdominal surgery on its own let alone other major surgery’s/icu stays plus as well. Recycles pictures anytime he said he’s in icu clear he’s on a trolley in a&e, old scars not new, no central lines/arterial lines (which you automatically get with surgery such as he’s claiming especially someone in icu post op), caught him on live once when he was supposed to be on critical care not even hooked up to anything and the only thing in the room was a obs machine! i could go on and on and for someone that claims all these issues/complications he’s looks extremely well. Just glad it wasn’t just me because at first I couldn’t find anything and thought I was overthinking things!
Jun 8, 2024
So glad I found this page as I couldn’t comment on the tattle page and been searching! Came across him and as someone who has several complex health issues and spent a lot of time in hospital over the years immediately noticed something not right! Claiming all thes surgerys and emergencies you wouldn’t be going on on holiday you can barely stand up straight a week after major abdominal surgery on its own let alone other major surgery’s/icu stays plus as well. Recycles pictures anytime he said he’s in icu clear he’s on a trolley in a&e, old scars not new, no central lines/arterial lines (which you automatically get with surgery such as he’s claiming especially someone in icu post op), caught him on live once when he was supposed to be on critical care not even hooked up to anything and the only thing in the room was a obs machine! i could go on and on and for someone that claims all these issues/complications he’s looks extremely well. Just glad it wasn’t just me because at first I couldn’t find anything and thought I was overthinking things!
I was the same! I thought I was overthinking things and just being mean. But nah. He’s a liar plain and true. I’ve done a video on my tt about it x


Jun 12, 2024
Chichester England
Finally i’ve realised i’m not the only one. I was getting suspicious anyway but the holiday was the final straw. Nobody would go away after major surgery ffs !!! He would have at least stayed in hospital for a good few days and you wouldn’t go
home straight from ITU !!!
How can he afford to live let alone buy a new home !! Is it any wonder his family have disowned him


Jun 6, 2024
So glad I found this page as I couldn’t comment on the tattle page and been searching! Came across him and as someone who has several complex health issues and spent a lot of time in hospital over the years immediately noticed something not right! Claiming all thes surgerys and emergencies you wouldn’t be going on on holiday you can barely stand up straight a week after major abdominal surgery on its own let alone other major surgery’s/icu stays plus as well. Recycles pictures anytime he said he’s in icu clear he’s on a trolley in a&e, old scars not new, no central lines/arterial lines (which you automatically get with surgery such as he’s claiming especially someone in icu post op), caught him on live once when he was supposed to be on critical care not even hooked up to anything and the only thing in the room was a obs machine! i could go on and on and for someone that claims all these issues/complications he’s looks extremely well. Just glad it wasn’t just me because at first I couldn’t find anything and thought I was overthinking things!
I'm also the same, I have a lot of health issues and spend a lot of time in hospital and have noticed a lot of the things you had put here e.g him saying he was in ITU but it was a trolley in a+e, him never having any central lines or arterial lines for his major surgeries especially when he stated he was in ITU these would be something he would need. Also on one live someone said I thought you would have a lot more monitors for being in ITU, he replied you don't know what's behind me! All that he had in the cubicle space was a BP monitor, there was no fluid pump or anything he also stayed he had a PCA at one point but when he scanned around the cubicle there wasn't even a drip stand, there was no sign of a PCA in sight. When you are going to tell fibs James make sure you know what you are talking about as some of your watchers are aware of what you are saying and we can pick up of things and know you are lying!
Jun 12, 2024
north west
Finally, I have been dying to find a thread on this man for ages! Cant join tattle but somebody posted about here on there...

Like others, felt sorry for him at first but now realise the truth and how much he has lied! The holiday live was a real eye opener to me, I was watching waiting for him to show his chest when he was in the pool, thinking hadnt he just had lung surgery?
Did suspect before though, when he would be on lives in hospital, looking ok and being so rude and snappy at people, I thought to myself your a right piece of work, and started to suspect that he wasnt telling the full story.

Also, the head scratching drives me insane!! Every single video, alongside the sad music and dramatic speeches, I have rolled my eyes so much, Im surprised they havent got stuck.

I am here for this downfall!!


Jun 6, 2024
Finally, I have been dying to find a thread on this man for ages! Cant join tattle but somebody posted about here on there...

Like others, felt sorry for him at first but now realise the truth and how much he has lied! The holiday live was a real eye opener to me, I was watching waiting for him to show his chest when he was in the pool, thinking hadnt he just had lung surgery?
Did suspect before though, when he would be on lives in hospital, looking ok and being so rude and snappy at people, I thought to myself your a right piece of work, and started to suspect that he wasnt telling the full story.

Also, the head scratching drives me insane!! Every single video, alongside the sad music and dramatic speeches, I have rolled my eyes so much, Im surprised they havent got stuck.

I am here for this downfall!!
Seriously the head scratching drives me insane I have to either fast forward past it or block the image out as it creeps me out!
The monotone monologue speeches what's that all about? The same rescued pictures, videos of actually add in the monologue speeches as well!
I really wished his friend he went on holiday with would share her experience on here so much as he blames her for the whole holiday and blames her for him going away and knowing that he shouldn't have gone but he states that she near on forced him to go but then leaves him out there!
Jun 12, 2024
I used to know James, I guarantee he is 100% lying. Nasty piece of work, his family understandably washed their hands of him. He's ruined many lives in the past. Evil.
Very true I use to know him very well, he is a compulsive liar, thief and con man. You can not believe anything that comes out of his mouth, he has been doing this for many many years and is beyond help, he is a disgusting excuse for a human being and can’t believe that people actually believe his bullshit.


New member
Jun 11, 2024
Very true I use to know him very well, he is a compulsive liar, thief and con man. You can not believe anything that comes out of his mouth, he has been doing this for many many years and is beyond help, he is a disgusting excuse for a human being and can’t believe that people actually believe his bullshit.
I’ve seen on google he used to own a bar, I can’t imagine that. Wonder what happened with that


Jun 6, 2024
Very true I use to know him very well, he is a compulsive liar, thief and con man. You can not believe anything that comes out of his mouth, he has been doing this for many many years and is beyond help, he is a disgusting excuse for a human being and can’t believe that people actually believe his bullshit.
How comes that doesn't suprise me at all!
His as transparent as glass and very predictable. I really don't understand how he has fooled so many people on his TT page.
Jun 12, 2024


Jun 6, 2024
north West

Bit Dodgy James supposadly took over the day before hearing !!
Exactly. There are lots of stories about him online. Funny he had a go fund me because he was struggling to afford transport to hospital (which is free as you can claim it back) but could afford to buy a nightclub. Oh and a new house, and a holiday. The holiday that he was miraculously discharged for in time to go, but he claims was booked in advance, just for 3 days, so just in time to be back for his fictitious chemo.

We await his next post, in hospital because of trolls. There is only one reason he posted ’Goodbye’ today and turned comments off, all for attention. He will wait a couple of days so he gets messages and attention and then post. He has done it before not long ago then returned saying ‘sorry for worrying everyone’. Like who posts that to a load of complete strangers on the internet. The boy (yes, boy) is sick indeed……sick in the head.

He said recently he has seen the forums trolling him, well firstly he needs to understand what a troll is, it isn’t a person who questions something. And secondly, if you are reading this then stop posting lies just to seek self validation and go and get some therapy that you are very obviously in need of.