James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

Jun 12, 2024
Exactly. There are lots of stories about him online. Funny he had a go fund me because he was struggling to afford transport to hospital (which is free as you can claim it back) but could afford to buy a nightclub. Oh and a new house, and a holiday. The holiday that he was miraculously discharged for in time to go, but he claims was booked in advance, just for 3 days, so just in time to be back for his fictitious chemo.

We await his next post, in hospital because of trolls. There is only one reason he posted ’Goodbye’ today and turned comments off, all for attention. He will wait a couple of days so he gets messages and attention and then post. He has done it before not long ago then returned saying ‘sorry for worrying everyone’. Like who posts that to a load of complete strangers on the internet. The boy (yes, boy) is sick indeed……sick in the head.

He said recently he has seen the forums trolling him, well firstly he needs to understand what a troll is, it isn’t a person who questions something. And secondly, if you are reading this then stop posting lies just to seek self validation and go and get some therapy that you are very obviously in need


New member
Jun 13, 2024
Definitely and tells them to look at his page for his cancer journey especially if he is in hospital and if he is in hospital he is incredibly invasive and is always looking around the ward before he mentions the word "cancer" and like you said very sarcastic as well and loves to remind people how many followers he has compared to them and blocks or deletes comments that questions anything!
He has now turned all comments off of his videos and posted a goodbye photo 20 hours ago. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this is an untrue story. I've never known anyone have some many surgeries and change a story about cancer so much. And he never answers the simplest questions about his "cancer"
Seems like this guy is a prolific liar.


New member
Jun 11, 2024
I genuinely hope he’s ok. Think he maybe needs to stay off the likes of TikTok if it’s causing him so much distress but I imagine it won’t be long before he’s back on again.


Jun 11, 2024
What got me was how his hospital band suggested he was in one particular hospital however on one of his ‘going home videos’ he posted in the garden of another hospital. (Recognised as I work there)
I caught a comment in a video when he was claiming to still to be inpatient (ITU) in Salford on, an anonymous female said you haven’t been there in weeks as she worked in it and he commented saying I’m reporting that to the sister and you’ve just lost your job. It was a completely anonymous account that you would just block and move on but he got very animated over it obviously because it caught him in lies. Suddenly it was deleted, then he was at MRI. Then the Christie. The suddenly he didn’t want anyone posting the hospital he was in for his “safety” 🤣 He couldn't keep up with his own lies.


Mar 19, 2024
I genuinely hope he’s ok. Think he maybe needs to stay off the likes of TikTok if it’s causing him so much distress but I imagine it won’t be long before he’s back on again.

Hello roseyposey but I smell a rat. Maybe you're actually James Horton Kofoed himself and if you are you deserve all of that supposed stress. We all know that you're ok because if you weren't you'd not have taken that holiday which proved to the whole of the TikTok community and the world beyond that you are the epitome of a sick FRAUD!! You exposed yourself good and proper and the only distress you're suffering from now is that you've been rumbled and exposed for the disgusting piece of human s that you truly are. No doubt you will come back but please be aware that not everyone will be sucked in by your next woe-is-me story, we are here and we will seek you out and expose you should you try another stunt as diabolical as the cancer one. BE WARNED, we'll be watching you.


Jun 11, 2024
I genuinely hope he’s ok. Think he maybe needs to stay off the likes of TikTok if it’s causing him so much distress but I imagine it won’t be long before he’s back on again.
I wouldn't feel too much concern for him. He's caused a huge amount of grief in the past with people who have known him.
He won't stay off social media as he loves making up personal drama for attention


Mar 8, 2024
Hi everyone, it's my first time posting here.
I've followed James for a while and always got irritated with him constantly saying "I'm doing this ON MY OWN".
It really came across as attention seeking.
Then I noticed during his lives people would comment that they also had cancer and he would barely acknowledge those people as if they were taking away the attention from him.
I started to get suspicious of him constantly having medical emergencies as if he was absolutely craving the attention all that brought.
Then just as I predicted low and behold along came the gofund me.

I unfortunately have stage 4 terminal cancer. I'm on palliative chemotherapy and I had major abdominal surgery at the end of last year and I can say with absolute fact that if he really had had those recent surgeries there is absolutely no way he would have been able to get on a plane so quick and fly off on holiday.
He would definitely not have been able to be in the pool as the infection risk to the surgical scars would be extremely high.

I believe he has had some surgery (I've seen the scars) and that brought him attention that left him craving more so he's fabricated these severe medical conditions and emergencies.

I think it is absolutely disgusting that he has lied about all this.
Cancer is no joke and myself and others are going through hell with it and the treatments.
What an absolute vile nasty little man he is.

I'm so glad he's now being called out on this.
I just feel sorry for the kind hearted people who donated and supported the vile creature.


Jun 13, 2024
Multiple surgeries after bowel cancer with TikTok videos showing him in a hospital bed to back up his claims. Sadly if true, announced that the cancer had spread with a further tumour being removed from his lung only last week that landed him in ICU (this LAST WEEK!). Launched a Go Fund Me page and was miraculously discharged from hospital. He says that he’s been so badly trolled that yesterday he announced that he’s taking a holiday and flying out for a three day break. HOW THE HELL? Well enough to fly? No. Travel insurance? Don’t make me laugh!
Check him out and tell me what you think, I don’t want to be a hard hearted Hannah 😢
I think he has lost himself in all of this, and genuine he needs help for lies. if you have noticed on tiktok he posted he jumped off the Blackpool bridge late 2023 and was recused by RNLI (used actual footage claiming to be him) . if you go on their tiktok and scroll back to 2022 the same footage is there...so he obviously has screen grabbed it to pretend its him. i asked him and was instantly blocked.



Jun 6, 2024
I think he has lost himself in all of this, and genuine he needs help for lies. if you have noticed on tiktok he posted he jumped off the Blackpool bridge late 2023 and was recused by RNLI (used actual footage claiming to be him) . if you go on their tiktok and scroll back to 2022 the same footage is there...so he obviously has screen grabbed it to pretend its him. i asked him and was instantly blocked.

He is seriously sick not how he makes out but sick in the head and it's called Munchausens


Jun 11, 2024
I think he has lost himself in all of this, and genuine he needs help for lies. if you have noticed on tiktok he posted he jumped off the Blackpool bridge late 2023 and was recused by RNLI (used actual footage claiming to be him) . if you go on their tiktok and scroll back to 2022 the same footage is there...so he obviously has screen grabbed it to pretend its him. i asked him and was instantly blocked.



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Jun 11, 2024
I think he has lost himself in all of this, and genuine he needs help for lies. if you have noticed on tiktok he posted he jumped off the Blackpool bridge late 2023 and was recused by RNLI (used actual footage claiming to be him) . if you go on their tiktok and scroll back to 2022 the same footage is there...so he obviously has screen grabbed it to pretend its him. i asked him and was instantly blocked.

I tried to add screenshots from both the original RNLI video & James’s fake jumping post to show it was one and the same but not sure how that worked out for me. Thanks for bringing that up. I had forgotten.


Jun 4, 2024
I think he has lost himself in all of this, and genuine he needs help for lies. if you have noticed on tiktok he posted he jumped off the Blackpool bridge late 2023 and was recused by RNLI (used actual footage claiming to be him) . if you go on their tiktok and scroll back to 2022 the same footage is there...so he obviously has screen grabbed it to pretend its him. i asked him and was instantly blocked.

Just checked and you’re right. Wtf? That is insane. Does anyone remember if he claimed the footage was actually him? If he can lie about that, he’ll lie about anything


Jun 6, 2024
I think he has lost himself in all of this, and genuine he needs help for lies. if you have noticed on tiktok he posted he jumped off the Blackpool bridge late 2023 and was recused by RNLI (used actual footage claiming to be him) . if you go on their tiktok and scroll back to 2022 the same footage is there...so he obviously has screen grabbed it to pretend its him. i asked him and was instantly blocked.

He is seriously sick how many more things is he going to lie about, does RNLI know his stolen their footage and passing it off as his footage and saying that was him they were risking their lives for? He is seriously messed up!