James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 6, 2024
The cat with 9 lifes 😴😴
Very much so.
However I bet the people who have been through the surgeries he has stayed he has had, or the procedures he has had or even the cancer he states his got and unfortunately lost their lives too, would love to have a chance at having one of the extra lives his had.

Personally I know I've come close to losing my life through sepsis as a result of my health conditions and when he posted about "catching sepsis" that made me so angry knowing what I went through with it.


Mar 11, 2024
Very much so.
However I bet the people who have been through the surgeries he has stayed he has had, or the procedures he has had or even the cancer he states his got and unfortunately lost their lives too, would love to have a chance at having one of the extra lives his had.

Personally I know I've come close to losing my life through sepsis as a result of my health conditions and when he posted about "catching sepsis" that made me so angry knowing what I went through with it.
Hope youre okay now ❤️ he makes me so angry 😡 i cant cope with the attenion seeking i followed for so long until last year nothing was adding up at all he kept getting mixed up couldnt even keep up with his own lies! Then the hospital beds now i worked in places like that all over and its different beds etc just does my nut in these kinda people when people out there suffer everyday!!


Jun 6, 2024
Hope youre okay now ❤️ he makes me so angry 😡 i cant cope with the attenion seeking i followed for so long until last year nothing was adding up at all he kept getting mixed up couldnt even keep up with his own lies! Then the hospital beds now i worked in places like that all over and its different beds etc just does my nut in these kinda people when people out there suffer everyday!!
Thank you I'm doing ok now the first time I had sepsis my parents were told there was a big chance I wouldn't survive so when people lie over things such as sepsis it hits hard and for people who have hard to battle cancer or lose family members due to cancer it angers me so much.

The one video that really sticks out is his most recent one where he stated he had just woken up in ITU from his "lung surgery" however when you look at the bed he was on you can see it was a trolley that's used in a+e due to the sides as they were red and not only that you could just make out the head of the bed and it wasn't the bed head shape of a normal bed it's the standard shape of a trolley bed which are used in a+e or which porters use when taking patients to x-ray etc.


Jun 6, 2024
north West
How has he managed to turn comments off on all his posts today if he was on a bridge somewhere? The guy is actually sick in the head to make this up. Somebody has tagged him in the RNLI video, he can’t delete that can he.


Jun 13, 2024
Notice how the hospital picture is outdated to the recent tiktok 😂


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Jun 4, 2024
He seriously does my head in constantly saying in posts he done it all ‘on his own’…. I wonder why James 🤔 did anyone else notice on lives him calling out people who were questioning him and he was mocking them for having very few followers? Thought that was embarrassing and very telling of the kind of character he is.
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Jun 13, 2024
Finally a thread on this character, I’ve had my suspicions for a long time. All these cancers/treatments/urgent operations yet no word of a central line (lets be fair, his veins would be shot by now). Also no mention of scans, especially a PET scan considering he has mets?! Lastly, no mention of the wonderful Macmillan team/CNS that would be undoubtedly making sure he isn’t fighting this alone…🤦🏼‍♀️
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Jun 11, 2024
There must be something with men called James’ and faking bowel cancer. Just came across a TikTok from a lady called Nickykilpatrickcoach about a man called James Gould who is faking terminal bowel cancer to her/her family for gain in Northern Ireland/Scotland? (Sorry I can’t place the accent). I went to her Insta and he appeared in a Podcast she does (1st episode), he has exactly the same MO as Mr Horton, bleeds, heart attacks, stents, comas.. this lady was helping him do things on a bucket list of sorts before he “passed”, which is brazen on his part.

This one went one further and staged his own death last week.

She outed him yesterday and I believe there is police involvement.

*I went to upload a picture of his known account names and realised the location is Northern Ireland. Not Scotland.

Apologies if not allowed but making you aware this guy is doing the same thing.


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Jun 6, 2024
Finally a thread on this character, I’ve had my suspicions for a long time. All these cancers/treatments/urgent operations yet no word of a central line (lets be fair, his veins would be shot by by). Also no mention of scans, especially a PET scan considering he has mets?! Lastly, no mention of the wonderful Macmillan team/CNS that would be undoubtedly make sure he isn’t fighting this alone…🤦🏼‍♀️
I remember commenting on his post once about has he got a good CNS nurse and once again he never replied.
I also mentioned why hasn't he had a port or picc places especially as he would be needing chemo and I think that comment for deleted and then he started to mention he had a picc line in his lives but when he showed his arms there was no picc line!


Jun 6, 2024
There must be something with men called James’ and faking bowel cancer. Just came across a TikTok from a lady called Nickykilpatrickcoach about a man called James Gould who is faking terminal bowel cancer to her/her family for gain in Northern Ireland/Scotland? (Sorry I can’t place the accent). I went to her Insta and he appeared in a Podcast she does (1st episode), he has exactly the same MO as Mr Horton, bleeds, heart attacks, stents, comas.. this lady was helping him do things on a bucket list of sorts before he “passed”, which is brazen on his part.

This one went one further and staged his own death last week.

She outed him yesterday and I believe there is police involvement.

*I went to upload a picture of his known account names and realised the location is Northern Ireland. Not Scotland.

Apologies if not allowed but making you aware this guy is doing the same thing.
Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry you've had to go through this.
My heart truly goes out to you xx


Jun 14, 2024
As someone who has battled bowel cancer and had their life turned upside down by it, James is a very rare case that gets his results and surgery overnight. There are MRI’s, CT’s, PET scans, biopsies, MDT meetings and these take weeks. Having a lung resection right after having a life saving op would never ever happen, it is completely unrealistic. He goes from being on life support to posting a Tik Tok within 24 hours with a voiceover which from experience just isn’t physically possible. I’ve had my suspicions from the minute his account came up on my fyp.

In 10 October 2023 just after 8 pm he attempted to unalive by jumping off Blackpool pier, he posted on Tik Tok actual footage of the RNLI rescue. Go to the RNLI Rescue page and you will find the exact footage but it’s dated a whole year earlier on 17 October 2022 🤔.

There are many inconsistencies and unrealistic timelines in his story. I believe he is very mentally ill and looking for attention and monetary gain.


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Jun 14, 2024
Hi everyone, it's my first time posting here.
I've followed James for a while and always got irritated with him constantly saying "I'm doing this ON MY OWN".
It really came across as attention seeking.
Then I noticed during his lives people would comment that they also had cancer and he would barely acknowledge those people as if they were taking away the attention from him.
I started to get suspicious of him constantly having medical emergencies as if he was absolutely craving the attention all that brought.
Then just as I predicted low and behold along came the gofund me.

I unfortunately have stage 4 terminal cancer. I'm on palliative chemotherapy and I had major abdominal surgery at the end of last year and I can say with absolute fact that if he really had had those recent surgeries there is absolutely no way he would have been able to get on a plane so quick and fly off on holiday.
He would definitely not have been able to be in the pool as the infection risk to the surgical scars would be extremely high.

I believe he has had some surgery (I've seen the scars) and that brought him attention that left him craving more so he's fabricated these severe medical conditions and emergencies.

I think it is absolutely disgusting that he has lied about all this.
Cancer is no joke and myself and others are going through hell with it and the treatments.
What an absolute vile nasty little man he is.

I'm so glad he's now being called out on this.
I just feel sorry for the kind hearted people who donated and supported the vile creature.
I’m so sorry you are battling stage 4, it’s people like James and their sick lies that have no idea how bloody hard going through that is. I have battled bowel cancer the last two years and had major abdominal surgery 8 months ago and I am still recovering and dealing with a whole new way of living. There is no way in hell i’d have been able to post a Tik Tok 24 hours post surgery or even a week post surgery high as a kite on drugs and not even capable of typing.

I’m so angry and disgusted by his continuous bullshit for attention and monetary gain. The go fund me was an absolute joke and I really hope his followers start waking up to his lies asap.