James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 6, 2024
Has he not learnt anything! He still canā€™t stop lying. He has removed only his cancer videos, most of them, because he thinks his online footprint will go. No it wonā€™t as many have said. You have lied so badly about the most horrendous disease people suffer from, and you have removed them. The videos that your GP, PALS, GMP, HEMP, and all hospitals have now. A mental health assessment has also been requested because you are obviously sick, and social services made aware.

What awareness did he raise? None apart from pretend if you had cancer you could have all these ops, icu, cancer spread to his liver/lungs/kidneys (depending on what lie he remembers), then can go on holiday without a mark on you, no stoma, no chemo because that was a lie too and be fit enough to! A lady upthread said that no way would he even have the strength to walk after a lung tumour removal and she is right. James can go clubbing and everything. The rat even collected Ā£1200 on a gfm by lying. Fraud.
And stop lying James NOBODY is pretending to be you at all. Who would want to do that! Is that your attempt of getting out of the lies you wrote? It was you and there is more than enough evidence to back it up. Nobody in the world would want to behave as low as you have so why would anyone pretend to be ill.
The only true thing you have said is that itā€™s a police matter now. Too right it is, and they take a very dim view of fraud, pretending you have cancer, and using other peopleā€™s videos, especially RNLI and hospitals.
Get well soon poppet. For somebody who was taking a break this morning you have been on all day. You must be so very, very ill to be able to do that.
The clock is tickingā€¦ā€¦.
The only awareness he has raised is "not trusting or believing a thing what people say on line because they lie and twist things to make them look ill because they want to be popular as in real life they have no one and they are lonely people and the only way they can have "friends" is to lie.


Jun 6, 2024
north West
Makes me feel sick for genuine sufferers who try to raise awareness. It is the worst thing to lie about, then to try and gain money from it is just horrific.
He did it with a lot of things though, the flat rent, the nightclub, etc. Rhen posts that he made mistakes and made bad decisions when he was younger. Well he is still doing it now. Doesnā€™t he always say ā€˜nobody is perfect I have made mistakes like everyoneā€™. Well I donā€™t ever remember lying about having cancer, lying about air ambulances and RNLI, kicking my friend to sleep on the streets, robbing someoneā€™s rent, conning people out of money by pretending to have cancer. No James, not everyone has made mistakes like that. There are very few people that would stoop so low. While you are in hospital (pretending its because you attempted) ask them to scan your brain, because you are not wired right at all.

Deleted member 4495

New member
Jun 14, 2024


Jun 6, 2024
knew there was something about him since i 1st seen him 1 thing ive never seen though is all these trolls that seem to target him it was always nice coments on every vid untill the one about him jetting of thats when alot of people started clickin on but even still there was no nasty coments it was just people askin how hes fit to fly šŸ¤”
He posted about trolls and haters to deflect the heat/truth being focused on him as he knew the truth was coming out. He made a huge mistake posting about the holiday he thought he was being clever by saying he was going on holiday due to the hate he was receiving and the trolling that was going on. However he made two mistakes, on being he said he decided to get away due to the trolls and hate and how it was affecting his MH bit when people questioned him and majority of the comments were out of concern saying he shouldn't be flying due to his recent major surgery, also he wouldn't be cleared by his team because he wouldn't be medically stable and also he would have staples or sutures in due to the surgery and he would still need post op checks.

Then he posted again this is where he made another major mistake and another massive downfall in his lies he put he booked the holiday months ago. So both of those posts neither of those stories add up!
Also it was lucky he made it home on the Friday because he jetted off on the Monday again people were questioning that and people couldn't understand how he was being admitted permanently prior to this holiday due to bleeds, perforations any medical emergency that he fancied to be honest but while he was abroad he didn't have one medical emergency (obviously the sun agrees with his health) and he spent the whole time in the pool,drinking and clubbing, anyone that has had recent major surgery let alone 3 or 4 that he claimed to have in the week before he went away and an ITU stay with an induced coma would not be up to drinking and clubbing let alone swimming due to the infection risk, lastly people couldn't understand why he was happily laying in the sun getting burnt and he was quite happily showing off his sunburn when he says he has cancer already.

So no we are not trolls or haters or anything he states, he did al of this himself and those two posts were his undoing and that's why people realised he is a conman and a liar.


Jun 4, 2024
He posted about trolls and haters to deflect the heat/truth being focused on him as he knew the truth was coming out. He made a huge mistake posting about the holiday he thought he was being clever by saying he was going on holiday due to the hate he was receiving and the trolling that was going on. However he made two mistakes, on being he said he decided to get away due to the trolls and hate and how it was affecting his MH bit when people questioned him and majority of the comments were out of concern saying he shouldn't be flying due to his recent major surgery, also he wouldn't be cleared by his team because he wouldn't be medically stable and also he would have staples or sutures in due to the surgery and he would still need post op checks.

Then he posted again this is where he made another major mistake and another massive downfall in his lies he put he booked the holiday months ago. So both of those posts neither of those stories add up!
Also it was lucky he made it home on the Friday because he jetted off on the Monday again people were questioning that and people couldn't understand how he was being admitted permanently prior to this holiday due to bleeds, perforations any medical emergency that he fancied to be honest but while he was abroad he didn't have one medical emergency (obviously the sun agrees with his health) and he spent the whole time in the pool,drinking and clubbing, anyone that has had recent major surgery let alone 3 or 4 that he claimed to have in the week before he went away and an ITU stay with an induced coma would not be up to drinking and clubbing let alone swimming due to the infection risk, lastly people couldn't understand why he was happily laying in the sun getting burnt and he was quite happily showing off his sunburn when he says he has cancer already.

So no we are not trolls or haters or anything he states, he did al of this himself and those two posts were his undoing and that's why people realised he is a conman and a liar.
Doing that live abroad from the pool was a huge mistake from him, I genuinely couldnā€™t believe my eyes when I saw it. Thatā€™s when I went from having a few doubts to being fully convinced something wasnā€™t right. He has brought it all on himself but based on what Iā€™ve seen he never seems to take any accountability for anything, everything is always someone elseā€™s fault

Deleted member 4495

New member
Jun 14, 2024
At first didnā€™t he say he was getting away for a few days and was coming back the day before starting chemo ?? Then nothing about chemo when he got back, maybe he realised they would never start that so close to of had ā€œmajor life threatening surgeryā€ šŸ™„šŸ™„

He posted about trolls and haters to deflect the heat/truth being focused on him as he knew the truth was coming out. He made a huge mistake posting about the holiday he thought he was being clever by saying he was going on holiday due to the hate he was receiving and the trolling that was going on. However he made two mistakes, on being he said he decided to get away due to the trolls and hate and how it was affecting his MH bit when people questioned him and majority of the comments were out of concern saying he shouldn't be flying due to his recent major surgery, also he wouldn't be cleared by his team because he wouldn't be medically stable and also he would have staples or sutures in due to the surgery and he would still need post op checks.

Then he posted again this is where he made another major mistake and another massive downfall in his lies he put he booked the holiday months ago. So both of those posts neither of those stories add up!
Also it was lucky he made it home on the Friday because he jetted off on the Monday again people were questioning that and people couldn't understand how he was being admitted permanently prior to this holiday due to bleeds, perforations any medical emergency that he fancied to be honest but while he was abroad he didn't have one medical emergency (obviously the sun agrees with his health) and he spent the whole time in the pool,drinking and clubbing, anyone that has had recent major surgery let alone 3 or 4 that he claimed to have in the week before he went away and an ITU stay with an induced coma would not be up to drinking and clubbing let alone swimming due to the infection risk, lastly people couldn't understand why he was happily laying in the sun getting burnt and he was quite happily showing off his sunburn when he says he has cancer already.

So no we are not trolls or haters or anything he states, he did al of this himself and those two posts were his undoing and that's why people realised he is a conman and a liar.