James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 11, 2024
Forgive me if I’m wrong but for me it was the utter contempt he had for those who were supporting him. He lied and said of course he wasn’t on holiday, it was an old picture, when he first posted a “holiday type” post. Then the lives started and it came out he was, infact, on holiday.

Fresh scars aside, you can’t get central lines wet so he wouldnt have been in the pool if he had one of those (picc as he stated). Not as much as a small bruise from the very visible foot iv he was sporting in pictures either because we got some lovely clear feet shots.

The man is a liar through and through. It’s an insult to anyone with the knowledge of how devastating these illnesses and surgeries can be. His attitude stinks too. How anyone could support him after the lives, even before he was exposed. Combining his abruptness, how shifty he looked and unwillingness to speak openly, then forgetting what mets he supposedly had, there were red flags everywhere.


Jun 16, 2024
Omeprazole Chemo
god he really is in a delusional bubble! as someone who works in the health sector the stuff he comes out with is embarrassing to be frank, theres no way in hell he’d be able to go live in the icu 🥴 and it’s so funny that he’s just removed everything cancer related off his page, i’ve never seen someone munch so mad, he’s crazy


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Jun 12, 2024
north west
Just an observation but has anybody noticed how the word 'cancer' wasnt in his latest post? Just 'my journey' and saying people are making accounts claiming to be him? So hes gonna run with the lie to police that his 'journey' was chrons and that somebody made the cancer account.
Luckily, that lie wont work as there is all sorts of proof so good luck with that one James.
We all know how he loves to use the word cancer and how he goes through it alone.....

Sending love to anybody on here who is actually going through cancer, having to witness this idiot make a mockery must feel so unfair, but mark my words, his karma is coming.

Ismellbull, I watched your video on tiktok this morning and loving how many people have commented realising the truth! Im here for it!


Jun 14, 2024
Wow i’ve just caught up with everything, just seen all his cancer posts are deleted. He came up on my fyp maybe because I had researched cancer as I have spent 2 years battling the very cancer he claims to have. I smelled a rat almost instantly as his treatments were so far fetched and unrealistic, he even stated right after a stomach perforation and the emergency op he had to repair it that he was having an endoscopy. James you do realise an endoscopy carries the risk of causing a stomach perforation and if you’ve ever had one they are very traumatic and can cause violent retching which would put enormous strain on your stomach which has just had major surgery! You also said after your tumour was removed … twice … that you were having a CT to check they had got all the cancer??? You do understand that a CT scan would not tell a doctor that information and that a CT cannot see cancer cells only fully formed tumours??? No James, histology would be the ones to determine that and it takes a couple of weeks to get those results. No doctor would ever tell you they found lung cancer and take you straight back in to operate whilst you are recovering from major surgery, the hospital would be negligent for putting you at risk and operating blindly not knowing the full extent of the spread. This is not a page trolling you, this is a page of wise individuals who have exposed your unbelievable lies you sick twisted bastard. Oh and as for yet another suicide attempt, why fight cancer if all you want to do is end your life. You love to talk and think about suicide yet you would put yourself through countless gruelling operations to live. Bring on the police please I beg you.


Jun 16, 2024

I have made an account to post on here. I am so happy i am not the only one with these thoughts!
I have always known something was not right with this guy. Why does he constantly repeat the same phrases and scratching his head like a monkey?
Why does this man look so well if he is so poorly.
He must have serious Mental Health to lie about this. I do hope he gets help for that.
Sorry to anyone who donated to his GFM.
Lisa is definitely not real lol.
He is so aggressive on lives and cuts them off quickly without explaining why. So weird..
How is he getting away with this????


Jun 14, 2024
I think if he did have a Picc line he would have posted it as much as possible 😆

I did wonder if he was telling the truth when he had the tube draining blood from his stomach a week or two ago but he was very blasé about it as he waited to go back to surgery. Does anyone know why he would have had this tube in if he is lying?
There is another tick toker that claims a fake illness and they buy all their tubes etc off the internet. If someone wants to stage an illness they can. He clearly makes money off tik tok as he will get paid per video with the amount of views he’s generating, has a subscription for god knows what and set up a gfm.


Jun 16, 2024
He has got such a bad reputation and has for years on the gay scene as a massive drainer . No one can stand him . Sad to see that exposure video has been taken down .

i remember the live where he said macmillan had sorted his insurance for his trip abroad .

Having googled him he has such a colourful past ..



New member
Jun 16, 2024
Still get these on Google search just can’t open them
That's what he doesn't realise, those clips will show up on a google search for a long time (I know because when I deleted a video of me and my ex tha tie anted gone it still showed on Google search for a good 4months). I hope he faces serious consequences for his bullshit!


Jun 6, 2024
There is another tick toker that claims a fake illness and they buy all their tubes etc off the internet. If someone wants to stage an illness they can. He clearly makes money off tik tok as he will get paid per video with the amount of views he’s generating, has a subscription for god knows what and set up a gfm.
I think I know who you are talking about, is it chronickiki?