James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Mar 11, 2024
He could easily settle all these 'lies' by uploading paperwork in relation to his cancer, or by going live and showing hes in hospital not Ibiza..... he loves a good hospital live.... but for some reason I dont see either of these happening.
Wonder why šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
Because his a con artist and was a good one for a while until people can smell BS now enough is enough with his attention seeking stories!! Everyone suffers daily they wouldnt put out there what he has or tell anyone for that fact!


Jun 14, 2024
No one is bringing your sexuality into it James. You're a liar and a con man. You've been this way for many, many years.
He says his family cut him off for being gay. They didnā€™t and he knows it. Heā€™s been lying about various illnesses for years and collecting money . They grew tired of his lies and cut him off. Heā€™s well known in areas close to me and in my Crohnā€™s support group. Heā€™s tried all this s before.


Mar 11, 2024
He says his family cut him off for being gay. They didnā€™t and he knows it. Heā€™s been lying about various illnesses for years and collecting money . They grew tired of his lies and cut him off. Heā€™s well known in areas close to me and in my Crohnā€™s support group. Heā€™s tried all this s before.
Someone messaged a family member yesterday they dont want to know or take anything to do with him.

Deleted member 4495

New member
Jun 14, 2024
He is probably trying to hide time to mock up some documents to try and ā€œproveā€ what he is sayingā€¦ā€¦ watch this space ha
Iā€™ve never been so infuriated with someone I have never met and lying about health conditions that have a massive impact on everyone in one way or another how does he sleep at night ? Does anyone know if he has been reported to the police yet for all of this? I know they donā€™t take these kind of things lightly - lying about illness to gain money by deception


Jun 6, 2024
north West
Does he think removing videos from his page makes them go away? I can still see them on tt with a simple search šŸ˜‚ there are also hundreds of them reposted! Thefactfreaks will be having a field day.
Now he has removed the ones he left yesterday. However not quickly enough šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ bet his GP will be scratching his own head that he hasnā€™t received the hospital records showing all the surgeries for his stage 4 spread cancer! Dear me James, you may as well have just posted ā€˜Guiltyā€˜ because thatā€™s all doing this has shown everyone. James, we know you are reading this, you even posted last week that you have read it and I know you have been sent the link, so why donā€™t you post on here? You were acting arrogant enough on your last live by being all cocky, so come and show how brave you are. You wonā€™t though we can guarantee that because really you have just run away hiding after thinking you were fooling everyone but proved you were not smart enough to do that.
Have you considered help for your brain? You have been doing this many years and it isnā€™t getting any better, itā€™s actually worse.
Itā€™s Fatherā€™s Day today, sadly I cannot celebrate it with my dad because I lost him not so long ago to bowel cancer that did spread to his liver and lungs. I watched him struggle and the horrific way he deteriorated until I then had to watch him die. You physically knock me sick to lie about something like that, and I will 100% promise you that this will not go away no matter what you delete until you admit your disgusting lies and apologise to the people you tried to fool.


Jun 6, 2024
north West
I know. Thatā€™s what I find sad. Heā€™s that twisted. that heā€™d rather have no family or friends and make up stories online for a bit of sympathy or money or both.
He has been reported. He may think it will go quiet for a couple of weeks and think it has all gone away but there are a lot of things being investigated. He hasnā€™t apologised or admitted what he is done and until then nothing will be dropped.


Jun 14, 2024
He has been reported. He may think it will go quiet for a couple of weeks and think it has all gone away but there are a lot of things being investigated. He hasnā€™t apologised or admitted what he is done and until then nothing will be dropped.
He needs to be. This wonā€™t go away. Heā€™s far too deep. It makes me sick. He forgets that people know him and will carry this on


Jun 14, 2024
Iā€™ve seen your post James, please explain how you are rushed to hospital and having a stomach perforation operated on and losing blood to be diagnosed with lung cancer AND having it removed two days after a stomach perforation?? Then being on life support, intensive care, another bleed in the stomach and back to theatre to jetting off on holiday with fresh wounds inside and out all in the space of 9 days??!! Is your surgeon Dr Drake Ramoray by any chance?

And what on earth does being gay have to do with anything, your sexuality has nothing to do with any of this and is of no interest.


Mar 11, 2024
James have a day off attention seeking itā€™s embarrassing, you being outed so many people had already thought it just never said well we did and you blocked us with hating turth even when people ask about ā€˜ your journeyā€™ you get angry towards them well thats what your page is about you should answer it always on a platform were your gaining new followers no no not you your nasty on lives drunk. NO ONE would be in a pool.


Jun 14, 2024
James if youā€™re reading this as Iā€™m sure you do. To clear things up how about you show proof, proof that you actually have cancer as anyone knows youā€™d get a letter and paperwork showing it. Discharge letters from your various admissions.

Oh and better yet please explain the life boat event as they have it on their tik tok as being a year earlier. If it really happens Iā€™m sure you can clear it up right.

Because right now everyone who knows you from your past can prove exactly who you are. Oh and feel free to report me to the police as Iā€™ll quite happily tell them all about you as will the Crohnā€™s group.


Jun 14, 2024
Iā€™ve seen your post James, please explain how you are rushed to hospital and having a stomach perforation operated on and losing blood to be diagnosed with lung cancer AND having it removed two days after a stomach perforation?? Then being on life support, intensive care, another bleed in the stomach and back to theatre to jetting off on holiday with fresh wounds inside and out all in the space of 9 days??!! Is your surgeon Dr Drake Ramoray by any chance?

And what on earth does being gay have to do with anything, your sexuality has nothing to do with any of this and is of no interest.
Itā€™s always a perforation and always at night. If it happened so much theyā€™d have removed his bowel. Hospitals donā€™t move that fast sadly I know from previous experiences.


Jun 6, 2024
north West
Oh so we have another video nowā€¦..same photo of the motorway, another recycled one. James do you not see how you are digging yourself deeper?
Letā€™s comment on your post shall we?
1) You documented your mental health struggles you say? No, you lie about them. You too, a video from RNLI and claimed it was you. LIE.
2) I think it has easily been established that you are the wet lettuce claiming to be a medical expert. You did not have 3 major surgeries, a week in ICU and an induced coma just two weeks ago. LIE. You are far from a medical expert because your lies donā€™t even follow what medically would be done for the condition you lie about.
3) You do not have bowel cancer that has spread to your lung,. LIE
4) The friend you went on holiday has told us what a repulsive man you are and confirmed, with photos, that you have no stoma, no scars from these recent surgeries and no chemo last week. LIE.
5) You were in Ibiza last week. FACT.
6) You have helped nobody. LIE. You have done the opposite, triggered and upset a lot of people.
7) You have taken money from people by pretending you had secondary cancer, stage 4 you said, after saying it was stage two. LIE AND FRAUD.
8) You didnā€™t post your ā€˜cancerā€™ journey in the hope someone would point you in the right direction. LIE. You shut down every question or advice given.
9) You made your family out to be the bad ones. LIE. Tell the truth about why they washed their hands of you.
10)Nobody is kicking you while you are down. LIE.
11) You havenā€™t made your account private so only friends see your videos. LIE. You have removed them all. I am on your friends list šŸ˜‚
12) Nobody has posted screenshots pretending to be you on any forum. That makes no sense, if they are screen recordings of you it is you. LIE. All your videos have been screen recorded so they could be sent to the relevant bodies for investigation.
13) If people have done the above you know who it is because you have their ip addresses and police do too remember. Oh, LIE. šŸ˜‚ you really do forget your own lies and donā€™t realise how you contradict yourself.
14) Not one person has even mentioned your sexuality or appearance. LIE. We donā€™t care. What we donā€™t take kindly to is a person lying and deceiving people no matter what their sexuality is. The only comments made about your appearance is how well someone looks after all these life saving surgeries and comas. You forget some of us sadly have been through their own journey or watched loved ones suffer so we are well versed to comment and know.
15) You have nothing to hide? You know the truth? LIE. You have a lot to hide, hence you running away and not commenting here. You wouldnā€™t know the truth if it smacked you in the face.
16) The 15 points above that are all in relation to LIES you are still telling shows who knows the truth. So clearly we do.
17) We also know the difference between an a&e trolly recycled hundreds of times and an ICU unit.
18) We also have confirmation from several professional sources that it is lies. Even your ā€˜rescueā€™ on Wednesday is not recorded anywhere with the police, despite you telling us teo separate areas of police forces attended you.

Sorry for pointing it all out in individual points, but you seem incapable of realising how much you lie. You are a compulsive liar.
So nice try again James at deflecting and playing the victim but you failed miserably again. Post as much as you want, read as much here as you want, but nothing changes or ever will. Until you admit what you have done and apologise this will not go away. You may think that if you donā€™t hear anything immediately it has all gone away. Trust me, it hasnā€™t.


Jun 14, 2024
So far iā€™ve counted 32 emergency surgeries, 9 stomach perforations some due to medical mistakes (not surprising doing an endoscopy right after surgery), 2 induced comas, 2 bowel tumours, 1 lung tumour, 1 massive cardiac arrest, 1 mini heart attack, numerous major infections, 5 broken ribs, fractured back bone, punctured lung, punctured kidney, multiple stab wounds, numerous blood transfusions, blood clots, internal bleeding, 1 round chemotherapy and a partridge in a pear tree.


Jun 14, 2024
Itā€™s always a perforation and always at night. If it happened so much theyā€™d have removed his bowel. Hospitals donā€™t move that fast sadly I know from previous experiences.

No they donā€™t move that fast, when lung mets are found they either do chemo to reduce or surgery is scheduled weeks and weeks after bowel surgery. Have you seen people being woken up from an induced coma, I donā€™t even have any memory of it let alone pick up my phone and edit some tik toks.