James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 15, 2024
Anytime I have attended any hospital appointment I have received a copy of the letter to my GP within a matter of days and would receive a copy of every minor communication. I have a pile from a recent colposcopy so his paper trail for cancer and his recent admissions would be monumental.

As for his scars - He would still be very bruised at this point. When I’ve had minor surgeries I have been black and blue bruised around the incision and unable to get them wet. For one surgery I wasn’t alllowed to have a bath for 4 weeks so he should have been no where near a public swimming pool 😆


Jun 17, 2024
Has he ever said he has received any treatment for cancer? I had a scroll through his TikTok’s before he hid / deleted - he was diagnosed over 6 months ago but I didn’t see any evidence of chemo or any other form of treatment?

Re the go fund me - I’ve seen a comment from him “justifying” setting up the go fund me as random people were setting ones up “on his behalf” so I don’t think he’s denying it tbf

I heard him on his live last night say he hadn’t “been assessed yet” so obviously in a mental health ward?


Jun 14, 2024
I think this guy has Munchausen and I also think he creates his own scars through self harm. I do wonder if all the times he’s rushed back into hospital, if they have happened, he’s done something to facilitate that. He spent a year on a psych ward which is probably where most of the footage came from and he strongly believes what’s in his head. He’s denied the gfm, he told me he’d never said he was in a coma or been airlifted to hospital. If he was telling the truth he wouldn’t need to remove all his posts from Tik Tok nor would he need to go live to prove anything. He’d have documentation to back everything but he’d rather show scars. He recorded literally everything in hospital probably when he was held in a psych ward and has recycled the same videos and pics hundreds of times. No one who has been through that much and come out of a coma can pick up a camera, film it, edit it and post it on tik tok. Someone waking from a coma or a major op can’t see straight and their body is like a dead weight and will probably have very little recollection of the event never mind trotting up the stairs in trainers 48 hours later. It’s the most ludicrous story I’ve ever read, he’s got the only surgeon to diagnose and operate to remove a tumour within 24 hours whereas everybody else has to wait weeks for scans and MDT’s. His oncologist must be negligent for starting chemo 2 1/2 weeks after major surgery and low and behold he gets sepsis. 🤦🏼‍♀️ And don’t forget he managed to go Creamfields last year between ops and jetted off recently to soak his wounds in a public swimming pool. The guy says he’s fighting for his life with gruelling operations and then attempts suicide, make that make sense. He is found everytime he attempts his life because he has no intention of ending it, he plasters it over tik tok to “raise awareness”. It gets him the views and the numbers for his payout. Those who are really in a dark place you would never know and for most it comes as a shock when they end their life because nobody knew it was coming. James’ whole page is about attention and monetary gain, he’s been seen commenting that he generates 3k from his videos and he has to create drama to make it interesting. He will offend and upset anyone that gets in his way and dish out death threats which solidifies exactly who he is. This whole situation has affected his views and dented his reputation and so he calls us trolls but forgets he is the beast that started the ball rolling.


New member
Jun 16, 2024
He got back Sat just gone when he started posting videos again, and went live tonight. Funny no lives last week! That is when he was away.
I feel like I'm going insane (because I didn't take screenshots) but I'm 1000% sure he went live on holiday. I watched his live of him on the sunbed at the pool and his friend was on the live with him also at the pool. Anytime someone asked where he was he just trolled back 'blackpool obvs' or some s. Did anyone else see it or am I going mad?


New member
Jun 16, 2024
Has he ever said he has received any treatment for cancer? I had a scroll through his TikTok’s before he hid / deleted - he was diagnosed over 6 months ago but I didn’t see any evidence of chemo or any other form of treatment?
There were a lot of videos he made about his multiple surgeries to remove his multiple tumours- bowls, stomach and lungs (which is wild for only stages cancer...) but he also said then like 3 days after he was now being seen as an out patient and would be returning 1.5weeks later to start his chemo. His chemo was meant to start the day after her got back from his holidays.


Jun 17, 2024
There were a lot of videos he made about his multiple surgeries to remove his multiple tumours- bowls, stomach and lungs (which is wild for only stages cancer...) but he also said then like 3 days after he was now being seen as an out patient and would be returning 1.5weeks later to start his chemo. His chemo was meant to start the day after her got back from his holidays.
It’s all so far fetched - absolutely crazy


Jun 17, 2024
I feel like I'm going insane (because I didn't take screenshots) but I'm 1000% sure he went live on holiday. I watched his live of him on the sunbed at the pool and his friend was on the live with him also at the pool. Anytime someone asked where he was he just trolled back 'blackpool obvs' or some s. Did anyone else see it or am I going mad?
Yes I remember him doing a live sitting by the pool with his friend .


Mar 11, 2024


Jun 4, 2024
I feel like I'm going insane (because I didn't take screenshots) but I'm 1000% sure he went live on holiday. I watched his live of him on the sunbed at the pool and his friend was on the live with him also at the pool. Anytime someone asked where he was he just trolled back 'blackpool obvs' or some s. Did anyone else see it or am I going mad?
My understanding is he went on holiday Monday 3rd - Thursday 6th with that lady Jacqui who apparently abandoned him, this is where we seen him live in the pool. Then he was supposed to receive chemo that Friday but no posts or lives. I think someone on here said he went away possibly that Saturday again, I watched a live that Sunday night where he was in a hotel lobby, very aggressive…telling people to come get him, looked like he had been drinking.


Jun 4, 2024
JAQ knows the truth and yes he did go away after saying he had surgery. Doesnt look ill to me!
Looks very well for someone who had lung surgery! Didn’t he tell Jaq he was going away on holiday again after the first holiday? She also said he kicked her out of the hotel room and he left her alone and went out drinking with other people (there were lives). No reason why she would lie about what happened.