James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 15, 2024
My beloved mother in law died of bowel cancer in November & as a family we are devastated & miss her so much so it makes me sick to my stomach that someone would lie about having such a devastating illness
BTW she could have chemo or radiotherapy towards the end as her immune system was so low so the fact he saying he’s having treatment after so many bleeds etc is absurd
Jun 17, 2024
Someone is actually arguing with me that he is in an ONLY CANCER HOSPITAL as he took pictures of the outside so that proves he does have cancer. I said anyone can take a pic and he posted from a ward in Salford Royal which isn’t a cancer wing. Seriously ppl wake up.
The fact he's going to different hospitals is bizarre, if you have a condition you'd be going to the one your specialist is at and one that has your most recent notes so you get prompt precise care. It's all very off


Jun 14, 2024
The fact he's going to different hospitals is bizarre, if you have a condition you'd be going to the one your specialist is at and one that has your most recent notes so you get prompt precise care. It's all very off

I’m under two different hospitals in two different areas only because I had to be sent to a specialist team that did the complex op I needed. However all my treatment outside of my op is with my local team and they are my point of contact.


Jun 12, 2024
I’m under two different hospitals in two different areas only because I had to be sent to a specialist team that did the complex op I needed. However all my treatment outside of my op is with my local team and they are my point of contact.
I’m the same I have my local hospital which will do anything they can and always first point of contact/emergency care but my specialist team is 4hrs away for my line/iVs/gastro as only so many hospitals can get funding to do home artificial nutrition anything else my local can’t deal with as it’s only a small general hospital goes to the nearest hospital for that issue or my specialist hospital to make it easier for communication x
Jun 18, 2024
I’m so glad someone has spoken up, for weeks I have been seeing him on my FYP and knew something didn’t add up, you never want to think bad of someone if they are going through bad times but it’s taking the piss now, lost my bro last year to bowel cancer, my young nephew now has it and my best friend lost her dad to it recently im so angry someone can profit from making up these lies !!
Has anyone asked him what chemo he had the one time ?? That’s one thing you never forget when having treatment.


Jun 6, 2024
I’m the same I have my local hospital which will do anything they can and always first point of contact/emergency care but my specialist team is 4hrs away for my line/iVs/gastro as only so many hospitals can get funding to do home artificial nutrition anything else my local can’t deal with as it’s only a small general hospital goes to the nearest hospital for that issue or my specialist hospital to make it easier for communication x
I was the same when I was on long term tpn that was under London due to funding and it being a specialist area with the tertiary centre. However when I got a line infection or line issue I could go to my local hospital and they would contact London.


Mar 16, 2024
Hes blocked me 😂 so I can't see any of his lives ,the man is a walking miracle after all what has happened to him, you need sectioning james and get yourself well your stories are so far fetched and to lie about cancer is the lowest of the low, lost both my parents to it and there is noway either of them would of been up and on a plane after having major surgery you are jackanory ...get help and ditch your phone


Jun 6, 2024
The fact he's going to different hospitals is bizarre, if you have a condition you'd be going to the one your specialist is at and one that has your most recent notes so you get prompt precise care. It's all very off
I know with some conditions people are under different hospitals but for James I know that wouldn't be the case. For him he is a hospital hopper as he knows he would be found out many people with Munchausens do move hospitals and gp's often especially when the medical staff begin to get suspicious or when they are looking for certain medications they do hospital hopping.


Mar 8, 2024
From some of his Tiktoks I get the impression he's been dramatising all this to get the attention of someone.
Maybe someone who broke up with him and he's been unable to let go.
Even though he's been rumbled I feel like he's desperately trying to carry on the drama in the hope he can gain sympathy from a certain someone.

Obviously I could be wrong and it's just my thoughts.

Either way he's sick for lying about the things he has.
He needs to get a freaking grip and do off now.


Jun 6, 2024
he just pisses me off as i’m currently bed bound due to being that unwell and have had a few trips to a&e due to the pain and then there are people like him who think the hospital is a fing day out. people like him are the reason genuinely ill people have 9 hour wait times in a&e.
Sending you tons of love. People like him have no idea what it's like to live with real pain, real chronic health problems that lead you to being bed bound and spending hours in a+e waiting to go up on a ward, not knowing if you are going to spend that day at home or needing to be rushed to hospital and not knowing how long each admission will be and knowing that every admission makes you worse physically and also you are emotionally drained with it all. Your whole world is changed from what you once knew and you know you won't be the same person again as you have had to fight so hard to get through each day with the chronic pain of it all, not only that knowing your loved ones have had to watch you go through it all as well.
Then there's him making a mockery of what we have to go through every bloody day.


Jun 6, 2024
From some of his Tiktoks I get the impression he's been dramatising all this to get the attention of someone.
Maybe someone who broke up with him and he's been unable to let go.
Even though he's been rumbled I feel like he's desperately trying to carry on the drama in the hope he can gain sympathy from a certain someone.

Obviously I could be wrong and it's just my thoughts.

Either way he's sick for lying about the things he has.
He needs to get a freaking grip and do off now.
In regards to breaking up with his partner he has made out in several of his TT posts he was in an abusive relationship however I know I'm going to sound like a heartless cow with this but again like everything else he has posted everyone is out to get him so I do wonder if there is more to that because again he is the common denominator in a lot of things. Like I said I may be well wrong but he is always quick to blame everyone else for everything that's happened in his life and all this hate, the dog poop through his door, him being dumped on holiday but we've heard from the friend what's really happend so again it's hard to tell with James. Again the family have left him because of his toxicity but he claims it's for something different.


Jun 11, 2024
In regards to breaking up with his partner he has made out in several of his TT posts he was in an abusive relationship however I know I'm going to sound like a heartless cow with this but again like everything else he has posted everyone is out to get him so I do wonder if there is more to that because again he is the common denominator in a lot of things. Like I said I may be well wrong but he is always quick to blame everyone else for everything that's happened in his life and all this hate, the dog poop through his door, him being dumped on holiday but we've heard from the friend what's really happend so again it's hard to tell with James. Again the family have left him because of his toxicity but he claims it's for something different.
With the exception of losing his Dad young, you can safely assume any other personal trauma he's had in his life is made up lies to gain sympathy