James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 6, 2024
Hey James, did you miss me today? Sorry I have been busy at work, earning to pay more tax for dickheads like you to waste on our emergency services. In reality I would much rather pay them towards people who are genuinely ill and need them, but they are the people who have to wait for help because morons like you abuse the services.

Anyway, I looked at the letter you photoshopped. Please try harder. You really are a bit thick with all your errors. Have you got one with your cancer diagnosis or chemo regime? From Christies? No? Thought not.

Secondly, you may have now written to Go Fund Me, but tell the truth. That was AFTER I personally messaged you to tell you I have reported it for fraud. Yes I have the message still if your memory has failed as well as your stoma. You even replied to me James.

Thirdly, you sad attempt of pretending you are on holiday was hilarious. Not. We know why though, you are trying to avoid people knowing you are home. We know where you are. Have you got plenty of teabags in for when the police come knocking?

Your videos aren’t getting many likes are they? 😂 Seems plenty of people have seen you for the lying rat you are.

I liked the video of you thanking all your friends, even though you have been crying that you are going it alone on repeat for 6 months. Was make believe Lisa one of those friends? Or did you really mean me, your bessie? Don’t be shy, you can admit it.

Finally, for the sake of all females on our planet, I am glad you have confirmed you are gay. Let’s face it, any female would rather pull their eyeballs out with a spoon than go near you, (no they don’t need an air ambulance for that) even with your sultry look 😂😂 actually seems most men feel the same too because you can never manage to keep one.

No hard feelings though, I will still go live with you if you want to unblock me like the brave billy big bollocks you pretend to be. I will annihilate you with truth and receipts. Challenge on.
Oh my days 😂 😂 😂
I thought I was his Bessie shall we fight over him like all his fan girls do on his lives 😂
Jun 17, 2024
“Yesterday I underwent major surgery and doctors didn’t think I’d make it” but you can manage to stand up straight and record yourself scratching your head? :unsure: Almost as believable as the “I’m in ICU but yet I can only get photos/videos of the entrance doors”
I like the one were 'doctors didn't think I would walk for weeks' (shows video in trainers going up stairs). Absolute miracle boy wonder Jamie is all these heroic feats.


Jun 6, 2024
Just noticed in this video he states he’s got a nose tube in to drain fluids from his body.. followed by his Sodium Chloride and Glucose drip which is used to put fluids in the body :unsure: so do you need fluids or need them removing James?
There's one important thing missing from that video, the following quote "tough times don't last but tough people do" I'm sure james usually uses that one somewhere.
I'm shocked its not in that video as his "never been so poorly in his entire life" oh hang on I think he uses that line in all his videos maybe he needs to copyright that line at the very least as he uses that all the time.
Jun 17, 2024
There's one important thing missing from that video, the following quote "tough times don't last but tough people do" I'm sure james usually uses that one somewhere.
I'm shocked its not in that video as his "never been so poorly in his entire life" oh hang on I think he uses that line in all his videos maybe he needs to copyright that line at the very least as he uses that all the time.
“never been so poorly in my life” has been trademarked by now! Along with the other “I took a turn for the worst” followed by a photo of his completely adequate and healthy observations.. no high blood pressure, good pulse..


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Jun 16, 2024
Omeprazole Chemo
“Yesterday I underwent major surgery and doctors didn’t think I’d make it” but you can manage to stand up straight and record yourself scratching your head? :unsure: Almost as believable as the “I’m in ICU but yet I can only get photos/videos of the entrance doors”
that screams woe is me toilet selfie